New Straits Times


A result of several improvemen­ts by Lembaga Tabung Haji and Mashariq Holdings


PILGRIMS for the current haj season will enjoy better facilities aimed at increasing their comfort in Arafah and Mina. This is a result of several improvemen­ts in terms of facilities by Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) in collaborat­ion with Mashariq Holdings, the company responsibl­e for ensuring that all facilities meet the requiremen­ts of pilgrims and to be completed before wukuf day.

Malaysian haj delegation head Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman said the improvemen­ts included an increase in the number of toilets, air conditioni­ng and better quality facilities in the tents compared with last year.

“Several facilities at the Mina and Arafah camps include more organised cafeterias, and hot and cold drinks that are placed in every corner of the tent are provided more regularly than before.

“So far, the upgrading work of all facilities in Mina and Arafah have reached the best level and are almost complete, at 70 and 80 per cent respective­ly,” he told the media after a site visit to Arafah and Mina on Tuesday.

Also present was Al-Masyariq Al Masiyah board chairman Ali Hussein Bunduqji.

According to Syed Saleh, in addition to increasing the number of toilets, Masyariq has also provided additional water tanks to ensure uninterrup­ted water supply .

“In Mina, the tent walls are made from gypsum boards that are stronger and can absorb heat and thicker end-to-end carpets.

“To ensure the pilgrims are more comfortabl­e in the hot weather, more air conditione­rs have been installed in the tents by the Saudi Arabian authoritie­s.

“This allows pilgrims to be more comfortabl­e and able to fully focus on their pilgrimage. This improvemen­t can only be felt by Malaysian pilgrims,” he added.

The additional facilities show that TH and Masyariq are serious about providing comfort to the congregati­on.

The cooperatio­n with Masyariq has also allowed the country to be the first to complete all the agreement contracts to be sent to the Saudi Arabian authoritie­s, thus being honoured as the first country to choose the location of its campsite.

“In Arafah, we chose a location at the far end and close to Muzdalifah, while in Mina we chose a service site close to the tunnel to make it easier for pilgrims to go to the ‘jamrah’,” said Syed Saleh.

 ?? PIC BY HUSAIN JAHIT ?? Al-Masyariq Al Masiyah board chairman Ali Hussein Bunduqji (right) and Malaysian haj delegation head Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman (second from right) looking at some of the items and foodstuff that pilgrims will be supplied with during camping in Arafah during a site visit to Arafah and Mina on Tuesday.
PIC BY HUSAIN JAHIT Al-Masyariq Al Masiyah board chairman Ali Hussein Bunduqji (right) and Malaysian haj delegation head Datuk Seri Syed Saleh Syed Abdul Rahman (second from right) looking at some of the items and foodstuff that pilgrims will be supplied with during camping in Arafah during a site visit to Arafah and Mina on Tuesday.
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