New Straits Times


Fans brave heat to watch pop star’s show at Brazil’s Copacabana beach


MORE than a million people thronged Brazil’s Copacabana beach for a free Madonna concert on Saturday, braving the heat to see the end of her “Celebratio­n” world tour.

The oceanfront boulevard were filled for several blocks by a crowd of the city’s estimated at 1.6 million.

Many had been there for hours or even days to get a good spot, while richer fans anchored in dozens of boats near the beach and onlookers crowded beachfront apartments.

Firefighte­rs sprayed water before the concert, when temperatur­es exceeded 30°C, to cool fans gathered near the stage, and drinking water was distribute­d for free. Temperatur­es were around 27°C during the late night show.

Madonna, 65, performed songs such as Like a Prayer, Vogue and Express Yourself for more than two hours from 10.45pm as she wound up the greatest hits tour that started late last year.

“Rio, here we are, in the most beautiful place in the world, with the ocean, the mountains, Jesus,” Madonna told the crowd, referring to the city’s huge mountainto­p Christ the Redeemer statue.

Brazilian pop artistes Anitta

and Pabllo Vittar, as well as younger musicians from samba schools, participat­ed in the show.

More than 3,000 policemen were deployed around the concert area, where the Rolling Stones and Rod Stewart have also

drawn million-strong crowds.

Brazilian authoritie­s have stepped up their vigilance over heat-related health problems after a young Brazilian fan died at a concert by Taylor Swift last year due to heat exhaustion.

Rio’s state and city government­s

said they spent 20 million reais on the concert, while the rest was financed by private sponsors.

The authoritie­s estimate the concert could bring about 300 million reais to Rio’s economy.

 ?? AFP PIX ?? An aerial view of the crowd before pop star Madonna’s free concert at the Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday.
AFP PIX An aerial view of the crowd before pop star Madonna’s free concert at the Copacabana beach in Rio de Janeiro on Saturday.
 ?? ?? Madonna performed songs such as ‘Like a Prayer’, ‘Vogue’ and ‘Express Yourself’.
Madonna performed songs such as ‘Like a Prayer’, ‘Vogue’ and ‘Express Yourself’.

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