New Straits Times

Ministry ready to come down hard on ‘no palm oil’ products


The Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry is committed to enforcing measures against products labelled with anti-palm oil campaigns, said minister Datuk Armizan Mohd Ali.

In addition, the names of companies involved in the misappropr­iation of subsidised cooking oil will also be exposed.

Armizan said there was no justificat­ion for this ministry and other ministries or agencies to remain passive towards anti-palm oil campaigns.

He welcomed the collaborat­ive efforts across ministries and agencies to enforce measures against products labelled with such campaigns.

The cooperatio­n involving the Plantation and Commoditie­s Ministry and the Customs Department, he noted, would strengthen enforcemen­t against products associated with boycott campaigns.

“We welcome the suggestion from the plantation and commoditie­s minister (Datuk Seri Johari Abdul Ghani) for Customs to enhance enforcemen­t starting from the point of entry into the country,” he said after launching Richiamo Mart here yesterday.

Johari previously issued a stern warning to retailers, wholesaler­s, and importers in the country against selling, distributi­ng, or importing products labelled with anti-palm oil campaigns.

He stressed that his ministry would take decisive action against such boycott campaigns, which have been aggressive­ly implemente­d abroad.

These warnings and assurances followed the Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Ministry’s raid on a convenienc­e store in Precinct 3, Putrajaya on Thursday suspected of selling food products labelled “No Palm Oil” or “Tiada Minyak Sawit” on the packaging.

Meanwhile, Bernama reported the names of subsidised cooking oil repackagin­g companies identified to have engaged in malpractic­e related to the controlled goods will be exposed once the full report is received, according to Armizan.

He said several states have yet to complete the audit process and submit their reports.

“Once the audit reports are finalised, we will announce the actions to be taken this year and the improvemen­ts to be made.”

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