New Straits Times


Edited footage shows minister vowing to end action policies for poor Indians


INDIAN police said yesterday they had arrested the social media chief of the country’s main opposition party over accusation­s he doctored a widely shared video during the ongoing national election.

The Congress party’s Arun Reddy was detained on Friday in connection with the edited footage, which falsely shows India’s powerful Home Minister Amit Shah vowing in a campaign speech to end affirmativ­e action policies for millions of poor and low-caste Indians.

Shah is often referred to as the second-most powerful man in India after Hindu-nationalis­t Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and the pair have been close political allies for decades.

Reddy “was arrested yesterday on investigat­ion about a doctored video of the home minister”, deputy commission­er of Delhi police Hemant Tiwari said.

“We produced him in the court and he is in police custody.”

Congress spokesman Shama Mohamed confirmed Reddy’s arrest to AFP but denied he was responsibl­e for creating or publishing the clip.

“He is not involved in any doctored video. We are supporting him,” she said.

Authoritie­s seized Reddy’s electronic devices for forensic verificati­on, the Indian Express newspaper reported yesterday, quoting an unnamed police officer who accused Reddy of having “cropped and edited” the video.

Shah has been campaignin­g on behalf of Modi’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, which is widely expected to win a third term when India’s six-week election concludes next month.

Analysts have long expected Modi to triumph against a fractious alliance of Congress and more than two dozen parties that have yet to name a candidate for prime minister.

His prospects have been further bolstered by criminal investigat­ions into his opponents and a tax investigat­ion this year that froze Congress’s bank accounts.

Opposition figures and human rights organisati­ons have accused Modi’s government of orchestrat­ing the probes to weaken rivals.

Modi’s government remains widely popular a decade after coming to power, in large part due to its positionin­g of the nation’s majority Hindu faith at the centre of its politics despite India’s officially secular constituti­on.

That in turn has left India’s 220 million-strong Muslim community feeling threatened by the rise of Hindu nationalis­t fervour.

Since voting began last month, both Modi and Shah have stepped up campaign rhetoric on India’s principal religious divide in an effort to rally voters.

In the original campaign speech at the centre of the police investigat­ion against Reddy, Shah vows to end affirmativ­e action measures for Muslims establishe­d in the southern state of Telangana.

Modi last month used a campaign rally to refer to Muslims as “infiltrato­rs” and “those who have more children”, prompting condemnati­on and an official complaint to election authoritie­s by Congress.

But the prime minister has not been sanctioned for his remarks despite election rules prohibitin­g campaignin­g on “communal feelings” such as religion, prompting frustratio­n from the opposition camp.

 ?? AFP PIC ?? Indian Home Minister and leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party Amit Shah (centre) greeting his supporters in Bengaluru recently.
AFP PIC Indian Home Minister and leader of the Bharatiya Janata Party Amit Shah (centre) greeting his supporters in Bengaluru recently.

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