New Straits Times

Krivelj women stand against mining’s impact

In an earth-scarred Serbian village, the fairer sex is leading the fight for a better relocation deal


BEFORE dawn, 78-year-old Vukosava Radivojevi­c prepared breakfast for her husband, then walked into her village in eastern Serbia to guard a barricade stopping trucks entering an open-pit copper mine that residents say is contaminat­ing the land and water.

Radivojevi­c is one of two dozen women who, since January, took shifts day and night on a small bridge in Krivelj to protest against the mine — run by a subsidiary of China’s Zijin Mining — that dominates the surroundin­g countrysid­e and encroaches on their homes.

While their husbands work, the women are fighting to persuade the company to relocate their village away from what they describe as the incessant din, shaking and pollution.

Zijin has already moved many of the villagers. But the majority of those who remain are Vlachs — Orthodox Christians who have preserved their own language and customs through centuries. They want to move as one.

“We are forced to block the road because we are poisoned. Everything is polluted and we can’t grow vegetables anymore,” Radivojevi­c said as she stood at the blockade. Adding, she elaborated: “We just want to be safe. We earned that right.”


Zijin’s subsidiary, Serbia Zijin Copper, acknowledg­ed the problems, which it said it inherited from a local company when it took over operations in 2018.

According to a study commission­ed by the company and published last year in December, Krivelj’s small river is polluted with heavy metals. Increased quantities of lead, arsenic and cadmium were found in the soil.

“The site suffered from severe direct emissions of gases and wastewater, resulting in highly polluted surroundin­gs including air, rivers, and soil,” the company said in a statement to Reuters.

It went on to share that it has invested over US$100 million to reduce the environmen­tal impact, including improving wastewater recycling.

Zijin stated that it is “dedicated to formulatin­g relocation plans with transparen­cy and fairness”, and is in contact with all parties involved. A local official said they hoped the move would be done by the end of 2025.

Recently, Zijin agreed to stop driving large trucks through the village, community leader Jasna Tomic said, in a sign the women have had some success.

Residents temporaril­y lifted the blockade to allow the company to complete some work. The fight for a satisfacto­ry relocation continues.


Krivelj used to be a lively village surrounded by green hills. Every year, it hosted a fair that attracted visitors from neighbouri­ng villages. Then mining began in the 1970s, when Serbia was still part of Yugoslavia.

The concentrat­ion of sulphur dioxide in the air became so high that it burned holes in women’s nylon tights, locals said.

Standards have since improved, but production has quadrupled since Zijin took over, meaning more trucks and more dust, the residents said. Piles of mine waste scar the landscape. Lines of orange trucks snake up the brown valley. The walls of houses are cracked from tremors caused by undergroun­d explosions, residents said.

The number of schoolchil­dren has dropped by two-thirds, retired teacher Aleksa Radonjic said, as young families have moved away. The village fair had stopped years ago.

The barricade, erected in January, became a symbol of Krivelj’s defiance. Over time, it turned into a second home for the women: the inside was heated by a wood stove and had a television. Neighbours stopped by with snacks and coffee. Sometimes dogs kept them company.

“One day I was standing in the centre of the village, and I kept seeing truck after truck driving through.

“The small bridge was swinging under their weight,” Radivojevi­c said, adding: “And then I told my granddaugh­ter, something needs to be done.”

Housewife Marija Bufanovic, 53, was among the first to build the barricade.

“There is no life here,” she said, lamenting: “We want to move together.”

Meanwhile, villagers discuss where they may end up. The company has proposed an area near another Zijin mine, said community leader Tomic.

Solemnly, he added: “We want that new village to be called Krivelj as well. Of course, there will be no river there but we want to move the church, the library and the school.”

 ?? ?? Nurse Tamara Novakovic, 38, raising her fist at a barricade in Krevilj.
A drone view of destroyed houses near an open-pit copper mine near Krevilj, Serbia.
Nurse Tamara Novakovic, 38, raising her fist at a barricade in Krevilj. A drone view of destroyed houses near an open-pit copper mine near Krevilj, Serbia.
 ?? ?? Vukosava Radivojevi­c, 78, a housewife, in front of a sign saying ‘blockade’ at a barricade.
Vukosava Radivojevi­c, 78, a housewife, in front of a sign saying ‘blockade’ at a barricade.
 ?? ?? Aleksa Radonic, 80, a retired teacher, covering his mouth with his scarf in the village of Krivelj.
Aleksa Radonic, 80, a retired teacher, covering his mouth with his scarf in the village of Krivelj.
 ?? ?? Notices on houses for sale are taped up on a tree, along with an obituary.
Notices on houses for sale are taped up on a tree, along with an obituary.
 ?? REUTERS PIX ?? The mining town of Bor is seen from a hill near the village of Krivelj, Serbia.
REUTERS PIX The mining town of Bor is seen from a hill near the village of Krivelj, Serbia.
 ?? ?? Jelka Cosic, 57, a saleswoman, posing for a picture next to her family home.
Jelka Cosic, 57, a saleswoman, posing for a picture next to her family home.
 ?? ?? Children playing in front of tailings, waste materials left after a mineral is extracted from ore, at the Zmajevo settlement.
Children playing in front of tailings, waste materials left after a mineral is extracted from ore, at the Zmajevo settlement.
 ?? ?? A worker inside the mill facility of a copper mine, run by a subsidiary of China's Zijin Mining.
A worker inside the mill facility of a copper mine, run by a subsidiary of China's Zijin Mining.
 ?? ?? A constructi­on site sign is seen on the ground.
A constructi­on site sign is seen on the ground.

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