New Straits Times

Breaking barriers

This Malaysian motorsport sensation made history with her dominant victory in Taiwan, writes Elena Koshy


IT was a remarkable day for Team Malaysia as Malaysian motorsport athletes Ng Aik Sha (or Akisha as she’s popularly known) and Amaresh Malakar Choudhury clinched first place in the Mixed Doubles Category of both the Asia Auto Gymkhana Championsh­ip (AAGC) and the Taipei Internatio­nal Gymkhana Prize (TGIP) in Taipei, Taiwan.

Ng further showcased her dominance by securing the top spot in the Ladies Category of the AAGC and claiming third place in the same category for the TGIP. Her exceptiona­l performanc­e not only highlighte­d her unmatched skill and determinat­ion, but also firmly establishe­d her as one of the sport’s elite competitor­s.

Moreover, Team Malaysia emerged as the overall champion in the AAGC, further highlighti­ng the nation’s prowess in motorsport.

Jagjeet Singh, the team manager credited with leading the team to victory, emphasised the significan­ce of the TIGP as crucial preparatio­n for future competitio­ns. “We view this event as invaluable preparatio­n for the upcoming FIA World Motorsport Games in October 2024,” he shared, highlighti­ng the strategic importance of the TIGP in refining Team Malaysia’s skills and coordinati­on.

The jubilant Ng shared: “Participat­ing in the TGIP and AAGC was truly exhilarati­ng yet demanding. The adrenaline rush of the race was intensifie­d by the unique experience of driving on the left side, in accordance with Taipei’s traffic rules. Adjusting to this unfamiliar aspect added an extra layer of complexity into an already intense competitio­n. Neverthele­ss, overcoming these hurdles only served to amplify the fulfillmen­t of achieving success on the global stage.”


Since its inception in 2019, the Taipei Internatio­nal Gymkhana Prize (TIGP) has transforme­d into a premier internatio­nal auto gymkhana competitio­n, attracting 16 ASN internatio­nal teams.

This year’s edition promises to uphold the excitement, with esteemed teams from Germany, Slovakia and Indonesia gracing the event. The TIGP remains dedicated to providing a fair platform for the world’s top gymkhana drivers by ensuring they compete using identical vehicles, thus promoting fairness and inclusivit­y among all participan­ts.

Safety is paramount, with the track design meticulous­ly crafted to eliminate errors. Straight paths exceeding 50 metres are prohibited to maintain safety standards. Moreover, completing one circuit of the track is expected to take less than two minutes to ensure a smooth competitio­n.

The essence of the competitio­n lies in drivers manoeuvrin­g their cars at high speeds to accurately navigate a designated route marked by arranged traffic cones. Knocking down cones or deviating from the route results in penalty seconds, impacting a driver’s standing in the competitio­n.

The competitio­n format comprises qualifying rounds followed by eliminatio­n rounds, culminatin­g in four main categories: Men’s Singles, Women’s Singles, Men’s Doubles and Mixed Doubles.

The doubles event, a unique Taiwanese concept, involves two drivers from the same team lining up in formation and starting simultaneo­usly to tackle the route with precision.

Maintainin­g close proximity between the two cars enhances performanc­e, but drivers must avoid collisions or overtaking. As the leading car yields the route to the trailing car upon reaching the final turn, both positions are then swapped for another run. The final result is determined by the combined scores of both runs, adding an element of strategy and teamwork to the competitio­n.

The gymkhana competitio­n presents a unique and formidable challenge for drivers, demanding not only exceptiona­l speed and precision, but also sharp focus and split-second decision-making.

It’s this combinatio­n of technical prowess, mental fortitude and sheer determinat­ion that makes gymkhana one of the most exhilarati­ng and challengin­g motorsport discipline­s in the world.

Ng’s victory not only underscore­s her remarkable talent and unwavering dedication, but also her groundbrea­king role as a female motorsport athlete in Malaysia. Her trajectory from novice to competitiv­e racer has defied gender stereotype­s and ignited inspiratio­n among young women nationwide.

“I’ve always been drawn to maledomina­ted sports. Motorsport, with its rigorous physical and mental challenges, perfectly aligned with my ambitions,” Ng revealed. Her presence in motorsport stands as a symbol of empowermen­t, showcasing that women possess the resilience and capability to attain excellence in the sport.


The motorsport industry has called on Youth and Sports Minister Hannah Yeoh to recognise gymkhana as an official motorsport, besides advocating for increased support and equitable opportunit­ies for drivers in Malaysia.

The success and growth of gymkhana will indeed benefit both financiall­y structural­ly with full government support. Investment­s in facilities for training and competitio­ns, such as well-equipped tracks and safety measures, are essential for fostering the sport’s developmen­t. Additional­ly, funding for talent identifica­tion programmes, coaching initiative­s and grassroots-level events can help nurture aspiring athletes and widen participat­ion.

Moreover, gymkhana distinguis­hes itself as an affordable, accessible, adaptable, demanding and safe sport, rendering it an optimal platform for cultivatin­g talent and cultivatin­g a dynamic motorsport community in Malaysia.

Furthermor­e, there’s an urgent call for educationa­l programmes and collaborat­ions with academic institutio­ns to endorse motorsport as a viable career avenue and facilitate skill enhancemen­t within the industry.

By nurturing such a supportive ecosystem and allocating resources accordingl­y, Malaysia can establish itself as a nucleus for motorsport prowess, drawing enthusiast­s and fostering economic advancemen­ts within the sector.

Ng and Team Malaysia are set to proudly represent the nation at the forthcomin­g FIA Motorsport Games from Oct 23 to 27 in Spain, thus reinforcin­g the country’s stature on the global motorsport platform.

 ?? ?? Malaysian athlete motorsport Ng Aik Sha achieved has remarkable success at the Taipei Internatio­nal Gymkhana Prize (TIGP).
Malaysian athlete motorsport Ng Aik Sha achieved has remarkable success at the Taipei Internatio­nal Gymkhana Prize (TIGP).
 ?? ?? Since its inception in 2019, the Taipei Internatio­nal Gymkhana Prize (TIGP) has transforme­d into a premier competitio­n, attracting 16 ASN internatio­nal teams.
Since its inception in 2019, the Taipei Internatio­nal Gymkhana Prize (TIGP) has transforme­d into a premier competitio­n, attracting 16 ASN internatio­nal teams.
 ?? ?? Team Malaysia celebratin­g their outstandin­g victories in Taiwan.
Team Malaysia celebratin­g their outstandin­g victories in Taiwan.

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