New Straits Times

DNB, Ericsson tie up on Enterprise 5G programme


KUALA LUMPUR: Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) and Ericsson Group have joined forces to propel Malaysia into the forefront of the digital age through a groundbrea­king Enterprise 5G programme.

This initiative, marked by a series of memoranda of understand­ing (MoUs), signifies a pivotal step towards the transforma­tive power of advanced technologi­es across various industry sectors.

The strategic collaborat­ion, supported by Intel as a technology partner, aims to revolution­ise Malaysia’s digital landscape by harnessing the unparallel­ed capabiliti­es of 5G networks.

Through partnershi­ps with key industry players such as eMooVit Technology Sdn Bhd, Scania and SKF Malaysia, the programme will pioneer innovative solutions and use cases tailored to address the evolving needs of enterprise­s, ranging from autonomous transport to smart manufactur­ing.

Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo said the adoption of 5G technology promised to usher in a new era of efficiency and productivi­ty, characteri­sed by high-speed connectivi­ty and lowlatency communicat­ion.

Notably, Malaysia’s 5G network has garnered internatio­nal acclaim, boasting the highest consistenc­y score globally and positionin­g the nation as a leader in Southeast Asia in terms of network performanc­e, according to Ookla’s fourth quarter 2023 report, he said.

“Today’s event is a continuati­on of the mission to encourage the digitalisa­tion of enterprise­s and industries in Malaysia,” he said.

The signing of MOUs will demonstrat­e the power of Enterprise 5G that leverages Malaysia’s world-class 5G network to enable operationa­l efficiency, product differenti­ation and new business models.

Gobind said the first MoU between DNB, Ericsson and Intel would see the developmen­t of Enterprise 5G solutions in Malaysia.

The MoU with eMooVit, a homegrown startup and flagbearer for autonomous vehicle deployment and technology solutions, will enable pilot use cases of autonomous transport.

The MoU with Scania on fleet management use cases will enable the developmen­t of 5G-based solutions while the MoU with SKF on smart manufactur­ing will see the adoption of use cases on wireless digitalisa­tion within a factory setting.

These MoUs represent the first immediate steps to put plans into action and achieve on-ground implementa­tion over the next few weeks and months.

“I hope that these pioneering industry initiative­s will go on to demonstrat­e that advanced technologi­es will act as the catalyst for enterprise­s to propel Malaysia’s economy as a leading digital nation, bringing enhanced prosperity and improved welfare to the people of this country,” said Govind.

 ?? BERNAMA PIC ?? Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) chief strateg y officer Datuk Ahmad Zaki Zahid (left) exchanging documents with Scania Southeast Asia managing director Heba Eltarifi after a memorandum of understand­ing signing ceremony yesterday, witnessed by Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo and Ericsson Group president and chief executive officer Borje Ekholm (second from left).
BERNAMA PIC Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) chief strateg y officer Datuk Ahmad Zaki Zahid (left) exchanging documents with Scania Southeast Asia managing director Heba Eltarifi after a memorandum of understand­ing signing ceremony yesterday, witnessed by Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo and Ericsson Group president and chief executive officer Borje Ekholm (second from left).

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