New Straits Times

Ministry: Microsoft’s investment a sign of trust


KUALA LUMPUR: The Digital Ministry said Microsoft Corp’s RM10.5 billion investment over the next four years is a sign of trust in Malaysia’s digital prospects and a significan­t step in advancing the digital economy.

The ministry and the Malaysia Digital Economy Corp (MDEC) said in a joint statement yesterday the partnershi­p with Microsoft for the establishm­ent of a national artificial intelligen­ce (AI) centre of excellence and the enhancemen­t of the nation’s cybersecur­ity capabiliti­es was poised to drive further progress in these critical areas.

The ministry commended Microsoft for its efforts to provide AI training for 200,000 people and empower 2,000 Malaysian developers through the AI Odyssey initiative.

“Microsoft has played a pivotal role in numerous collaborat­ive initiative­s, including talent developmen­t, startup support, and digital adoption for micro, small and medium enterprise­s.

“This investment reaffirms Microsoft’s commitment to Malaysia’s digital growth and showcases the strength of the partnershi­p,” it said.

The statement said Microsoft’s support had been instrument­al in MDEC’s efforts to build a robust digital tech talent pipeline from schools to tertiary learning institutio­ns, and to reskill and upskill the existing workforce to meet evolving industry demands.

This collaborat­ion has led to the creation of the Premier Digital Tech Institutio­ns network, comprising 42 tech-related faculties across 24 tertiary institutio­ns, and has fostered a pool of AI-ready companies within the MDEC ecosystem.

With the support of MDEC, Microsoft’s investment encompasse­s the creation of global business services and the expansion of data centres in key areas in Malaysia.

“Microsoft has been a key partner in the public sector’s digitalisa­tion agenda, having signed the Cloud Framework Agreement with the government in 2022.

“The ministry looks forward to continued collaborat­ion with Microsoft and other industry leaders to drive innovation, foster digital talent developmen­t, and accelerate Malaysia’s journey towards becoming a global digital hub,” it added.

Microsoft has been a key partner in the public sector’s digitalisa­tion agenda...


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