New Straits Times


Directors will discuss findings of due diligence report, says Gobind


DIGITAL Nasional Bhd’s (DNB) new board of directors will make recommenda­tions on the rollout of the second fifth generation (5G) cellular technology network after discussing the findings of a due diligence report on its share sale agreements (SSAs) with five mobile network operators (MNOs) on Tuesday, said Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo.

“The meeting next week is for the directors to meet and have a look at the due diligence report and discuss what to do next.

“We (the ministry) will announce that later,” he said on the sidelines of DNB and Ericsson’s launch of a programme to promote the digitalisa­tion of enterprise­s.

DNB appointed five new members to its board to join the other two incumbent members, Datuk Johan Mahmood Merican and Ma Sivanesan Marimuthu. The five are nominees from the MNOs.

He said DNB’s board would have 20 days after the board meeting to come up with recommenda­tions for the second network.

“I won’t speculate on the timeline, as they need time to assess the reports and inform us of the next steps, likely after next week,” he said this when asked if the roll out of the network comes after that.

To recap, five MNOs, namely CelcomDigi Bhd, Maxis Bhd, Telekom Malaysia Bhd, U Mobile Sdn Bhd and YTL Communicat­ions Sdn Bhd, entered into SSAs with DNB and the Minister of Finance Inc (MOF Inc) on Dec 1 last year.

The agreements, Gobind said, were establishe­d to put into effect the government’s policy on the transition from a single wholesale network model to a dual network model.

Upon completion of the SSAs, the MNOs will collective­ly subscribe up to 70 per cent equity in DNB, with each holding a 14 per cent stake, leaving MOF Inc with a 30 per cent equity and a special share that will grant it certain special rights for a stipulated period. The equity injection is a prerequisi­te for a second 5G network.

 ?? BERNAMA PIC ?? Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo ( fifth from left) with Ericsson Group president and chief executive officer Borje Ekholm ( fourth from left), Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) chief strategy officer Datuk Ahmad Zaki Zahid (third from left) and chief operating officer Nasution Mohamed ( fourth from right) at the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understand­ing between DNB and Ericsson with enterprise partners to advance Enterprise 5G yesterday.
BERNAMA PIC Digital Minister Gobind Singh Deo ( fifth from left) with Ericsson Group president and chief executive officer Borje Ekholm ( fourth from left), Digital Nasional Bhd (DNB) chief strategy officer Datuk Ahmad Zaki Zahid (third from left) and chief operating officer Nasution Mohamed ( fourth from right) at the signing ceremony of a memorandum of understand­ing between DNB and Ericsson with enterprise partners to advance Enterprise 5G yesterday.

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