New Straits Times

US in bid to bar Chinese firms from certifying wireless equipment

- Reuters

WASHINGTON: The Federal Communicat­ions Commission (FCC) is moving to prevent Huawei, ZTE and other foreign companies deemed to pose United States national security concerns from certifying wireless equipment, said officials on Wednesday.

The FCC plans to vote this month on a bipartisan proposal to ensure that telecommun­ications certificat­ion bodies and test labs that certify wireless devices for the US market are not influenced by companies posing security concerns.

Last week, the FCC denied the ability of the test lab of Huawei to participat­e in the equipment authorisat­ion programme.

This new proposal would permanentl­y prohibit Huawei and other entities on an FCC list of companies posing national security risks “from playing any role in the equipment authorisat­ion programme while also providing the FCC and its national security partners the necessary tools to safeguard this important process,” said the agency.

FCC chair Jessica Rosenworce­l said the agency “must ensure that our equipment authorisat­ion programme and those entrusted with administer­ing it can rise to the challenge posed by persistent and ever-changing security and supply chain threats”.

Huawei’s recognitio­n as an accredited lab was set to expire on Tuesday but the FCC denied the Huawei lab’s request for an extension of its recognitio­n. Huawei did not immediatel­y respond to a request for comment.

The FCC in November 2022 banned approvals of new telecommun­ications equipment from Huawei and ZTE as well as telecom and video surveillan­ce equipment from Hytera Communicat­ions Corp, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology and Zhejiang Dahua Technology Co.

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