New Straits Times

Malaysia’s air passenger traffic jumps over 16pc


KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia’s air passenger traffic rose 16.1 per cent year-on-year to 22.6 million in the first quarter.

This was driven by internatio­nal air traffic that surged 39.9 per cent year-on-year to 11.9 million passengers., said the Malaysian Aviation Commission (Mavcom).

On a quarterly basis. total air passenger traffic jumped 2.7 per cent.

Internatio­nal air passenger traffic increased by 7.9 per cent quarter-on-quarter while domestic air passenger traffic dipped 2.3 per cent.

Mavcom said air traffic reached 85.5 per cent of 2019 preCovid-19 pandemic level, with internatio­nal air traffic recovery at 89.3 per cent and domestic traffic at 81.7 per cent.

“As we review the air traffic figures for the first quarter, it is clear that the aviation industry is on a robust recovery path.

“Airlines have shifted their attention to restoring and adding new internatio­nal destinatio­ns.

The establishm­ent of the 30-day visa exemptions for tourists from China and India has provided a conducive environmen­t for the accelerate­d return of internatio­nal travellers.

“Additional­ly, despite a reduction in air cargo movements in the first quarter, it remained above pre-pandemic level at 100.7 per cent,” said Mavcom executive chairman Datuk Seri Saripuddin Kasim.

Malaysia recorded 227,365 tonnes of cargo movements in the first quarter, or 6.3 per cent lower compared to 242,750 tonnes in the correspond­ing period last year.

Domestic air cargo movements decreased by 30.7 per cent yearon-year while internatio­nal air cargo movements increased by 7.2 per cent.

Looking ahead, Mavcom is optimistic about the continued recovery and growth of the aviation industry in the second quarter despite recent cancellati­ons and rerouting of flights due to the ongoing tensions in the Middle East.

“Our commitment to robust consumer protection measures and regulatory oversight remains unwavering, underscori­ng the industry’s pivotal role in fostering connection­s and driving economic sustainabi­lity,” said Saripuddin.

 ?? FILE PIC ?? According to Malaysian Aviation Commission, the establishm­ent of the 30-day visa exemptions for tourists from China and India has provided a conducive environmen­t for the accelerate­d return of internatio­nal travellers.
FILE PIC According to Malaysian Aviation Commission, the establishm­ent of the 30-day visa exemptions for tourists from China and India has provided a conducive environmen­t for the accelerate­d return of internatio­nal travellers.

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