New Straits Times

Bananas — the latest anti-ageing beauty hack


WHY spend hundreds of dollars on cosmetics when a simple banana can banish dryness, redness and wrinkles?

Indeed, according to some TikTok users, this famous yellow fruit and its precious peel can be nothing short of a miracle worker!

You may already be aware of the benefits of bananas when it comes to quashing hunger pangs, providing energy or even promoting gut health, but now users of the Chinese social network are shining light on their benefits for the skin.

That’s according to TikTokers, at least, who have been busy transformi­ng the yellow fruit into a beauty must-have.

Whether it’s a new fad, yet another wacky gimmick or a genuine miracle product, fans of the fruit seem to believe that bananas can help them banish redness and wrinkles.

To reap the benefits, TikTokers explain that all you have to do is peel a banana (or eat it, but that’s not the point), rub your face gently with the inside of the peel and leave the residue on your skin for around 10 minutes.

All that’s left to do then is rinse it off and continue with your usual beauty routine to discover smoother, brighter, more elastic skin, free of the signs of passing time.

The only problem is that this trend is not based on any scientific evidence.

But this tip is reminiscen­t of another viral trend from the spring of 2022.

A dermatolog­ist previously extolled the virtues of bananas, as used by her own mother in her 70s, arguing that the fruit was packed with nutrients such as potassium, zinc, amino acids and a host of vitamins.

These were said to have moisturisi­ng, exfoliatin­g, antioxidan­t and antiageing properties.

Could bananas hold the key to wrinkle-free skin?
By ETX Daily Up PICTURE CREDIT: ETX DAILY UP Flair Could bananas hold the key to wrinkle-free skin?

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