New Straits Times


Ministry gearing teachers up for new curriculum to be introduced in 2027


TEACHERS will be given greater autonomy in the new curriculum to be introduced in 2027.

Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek said teachers have been given freedom in the classroom following the implementa­tion of School-Based Assessment­s.

“While we (the ministry) will allow teachers greater autonomy, it must be embraced with integrity, as it comes with a huge responsibi­lity.

“Hence, we are preparing them with the framework under the new curriculum through engagement sessions,” she said after attending the 5th Distinguis­hed Lecture Series on Youth Wellbeing at Universiti Putra Malaysia here yesterday.

Fadhlina said input from various parties was being gathered through the sessions.

Earlier, she said the elements of empathy and compassion would be integrated in the new education curriculum.

“These will improve academic achievemen­ts and wellbeing, and they must be taught using a welldesign­ed curriculum with well-sequenced and targeted activities.”

She said cultivatin­g empathy and compassion meant teaching individual­s to understand and share the feelings of others and develop a deep concern for their wellbeing.

This involved incorporat­ing lessons, activities and experience­s that encouraged perspectiv­e-taking, kindness and understand­ing of diverse perspectiv­es, she said.

Fadhlina emphasised five key thrusts on why society should embrace these qualities, namely, promoting social cohesion, reducing conflict and bullying, building stronger relationsh­ips, fostering civic engagement and preparing for the future.

She called on all parties to give input to build a better education system.

On another matter, she said a new curriculum for preschools would be introduced in 2026. However, she said there was no policy to compel parents to send their children to preschool.

 ?? BERNAMA PIC ?? Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek (right) launching a book and comic after delivering a lecture at the 5th Distinguis­hed Lecture Series on Youth Wellbeing organised by the Institute of Social Science Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in Serdang yesterday.
BERNAMA PIC Education Minister Fadhlina Sidek (right) launching a book and comic after delivering a lecture at the 5th Distinguis­hed Lecture Series on Youth Wellbeing organised by the Institute of Social Science Studies, Universiti Putra Malaysia, in Serdang yesterday.

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