New Straits Times

We’ve been waiting for this for 12 years, says Cuepacs


The Congress of Unions of Employees in the Public and Civil Services (Cuepacs) has expressed happiness over the new civil servants’ remunerati­on scheme.

Its president, Datuk Dr Adnan Mat, said the announceme­nt of a pay hike of more than 13 per cent by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on Wednesday was the moment the congress and all its members had been waiting for in the past 12 years.

As a show of gratitude to the government, he said, Cuepacs gave its assurance that its members would increase productivi­ty and guard the integrity of the civil service.

“Our thanks to Datuk Seri Anwar. This is the moment we’ve been waiting for after 12 years of not getting any increase in wages.

“The government and the people need not worry. We (Cuepacs) will ensure we give the best possible service,” he said after Cuepacs’ Labour Day celebratio­n here.

The celebratio­n was officiated by Human Resources Minister Steven Sim.

Adnan said civil servants were already giving the best service to the people, even during hard times.

“We did so when we were tested during the Covid-19 pandemic, with the frequent changes in government (since the 14th General Election in 2018) and all the natural disasters. Civil servants have always been at the forefront of things.

“It is the same when it comes to protecting the nation’s sovereignt­y, security and public order.

“So don’t worry about productivi­ty on our part. We guarantee that with this pay hike, we feel relieved and it will surely boost our morale to provide better service,” he said.

Adnan advised civil servants not to go overboard with spending once the salary increase begins on Dec 1.

He said it would be better for them to save money.

“We must be smart when we spend.

“We must look to the future, in case times become hard.

“Don’t spend beyond our means.”

Adnan said the Human Resources Ministry had allocated RM100,000 to Cuepacs for human capital developmen­t.

The one-off allocation, he said, was for programmes to enhance productivi­ty of civil servants.

“There will also be workshops and seminars to raise awareness and improve the government service delivery system,” he said.

 ?? BERNAMA PIC ?? (From left) Human Resources Minister Steven Sim with Cuepacs president Datuk Dr Adnan Mat, Customs director-general Datuk Anis Rizana Mohd Zainudin and Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay at Cuepacs’ Labour Day celebratio­n in Shah Alam on Wednesday. Anis Rizana, as the Customs Department’s first female director-general, was presented with an excellence award at the event.
BERNAMA PIC (From left) Human Resources Minister Steven Sim with Cuepacs president Datuk Dr Adnan Mat, Customs director-general Datuk Anis Rizana Mohd Zainudin and Deputy Inspector-General of Police Datuk Seri Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay at Cuepacs’ Labour Day celebratio­n in Shah Alam on Wednesday. Anis Rizana, as the Customs Department’s first female director-general, was presented with an excellence award at the event.

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