New Straits Times

Haley soldiers on despite defeats


Is it political strategy, donor pressure or perhaps hubris? Nikki Haley is vowing “the fight goes on” against Donald Trump, positionin­g herself as a viable option for the Republican presidenti­al nomination in case the scandal-plagued frontrunne­r’s campaign implodes.

She has gone zero for four in early contests, including an embarrassi­ng 20-point defeat on Saturday in her home state of South Carolina where she served as governor.

With her path to victory shrinking to the width of a needle’s eye, her decision not to bow out is raising questions about her endgame in a party ruled by Trump, and whether prolonging the nomination battle sets Haley up for a 2028 presidenti­al bid.

Sandie Ellis, a 66-year-old from South Carolina’s capital Columbia, said she voted for Trump but would keep Haley in mind for the future.

“She is young and qualified, very brilliant,” Ellis said, adding that at 52, Haley’s “got several good years” left.

Haley insists a majority of voters are opposed to a rematch between

“chaos” candidate Trump and President Joe Biden, two aging men aged 77 and 81, respective­ly, who she says are past their prime.

But analysts see Haley deciding to remain in the hunt largely in the event Trump gets laid low by his legal woes or other circumstan­ces, such as ill health.

“Haley is staying in the race because of the possibilit­y of a conviction, not a victory,” Julian Zelizer, a professor of history and public affairs at Princeton University, said.

Trump — who made no mention of Haley in his victory speech in South Carolina — and his high-profile backers have made it clear that the battle is

now against Biden in the general election.

Haley continues to pull in contributi­ons from donors, allowing her campaign to stay afloat — although US media reported on Sunday that her most powerful backers, the billionair­e industrial­ist Koch brothers, have suspended their support.

But her campaign appeared undaunted on Sunday, announcing in an email that it had raised US$1 million from grassroots supporters in the last 24 hours alone.

“As long as Haley keeps her donors on board, she will continue running,” said Larry Sabato, who directs the Centre for Politics at the University of Virginia.

Even in the event Trump withdraws,

Haley would not automatica­lly win her party’s nod.

A complex process would ensue, unpreceden­ted in modern times, especially if a replacemen­t candidate did not win the required number of delegates to clinch the nomination.

The choice of a flagbearer would in that case fall to Republican Party officials, many of whom scorn Haley for what they deem is a betrayal of Trump.

Complicati­ng matters for her: a Trump daughter-in-law is on track to becoming co-chair of the Republican National Committee.

The ex-president’s aides and surrogates want to see off Haley long before the Republican National Convention in July.

 ?? AFP PIC ?? Republican presidenti­al candidate Nikki Haley greeting supporters during a campaign event in Troy, Michigan, on Sunday.
AFP PIC Republican presidenti­al candidate Nikki Haley greeting supporters during a campaign event in Troy, Michigan, on Sunday.

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