New Straits Times

Intermitte­nt fasting is social media’s star weight loss programme


THERE are countless diets and methods designed to help people lose weight, but some stand the test of time and even stand out from the crowd.

Such is the case with intermitte­nt fasting, which has become the star of the field, ranking among the most popular diets on social media despite its critics. The diet, which involves alternatin­g periods of eating and fasting, has scored no fewer than 134,000 posts among Frenchspea­king users on TikTok and Instagram, and the hashtag #intermitte­ntfasting already has over two billion views on the Chinese social network.

Health authoritie­s stress that nothing beats a healthy, balanced diet combined with regular exercise to stay in good health and reverse the trend towards weight gain and obesity.

But that doesn’t stop people looking for other ways to lose weight, whether to transform their figure or shed a few kilogramme­s ahead of the summer season or a specific event.

And in this game, intermitte­nt fasting seems to be winning over the French-speaking public in a big way, as revealed by a new study carried out by the telemedici­ne platform ZAVA which looked at the most popular methods for losing weight and analysed raw data from TikTok and Instagram.


Despite criticism of its side effects, including hunger and mood swings, as well as its potential impact on female hormones, intermitte­nt fasting is a highly popular choice. According to the ZAVA study, it ranks at the top of the most popular weight loss methods among French-speaking users on social networks. Up to Feb 6, the diet generated no fewer than 134,767 posts on Instagram and TikTok, and over two billion views for the dedicated hashtag on the Chinese platform. A global success — or almost — echoing a recent study reporting its immense popularity in the United States.

For those not familiar with intermitte­nt fasting, it involves alternatin­g periods of eating and fasting spread over defined time slots. There are, however, subcategor­ies of fasting, such as the 5:2 method, which allows you to vary the number of hours during which food intake is limited or nil, according to your needs.

While the method is still the subject of debate, a study by US researcher­s has highlighte­d the potential effectiven­ess of this diet for weight loss, albeit in combinatio­n with physical exercise.

In any case, it’s best to talk to a health profession­al before starting any such diet, regardless of its popularity on social networks.


According to the analysis, the second most popular diet among Frenchspea­king social media users is chrononutr­ition, which is based on the same principle.

It is a diet based on the biological clock, with specific foods to be eaten at specific times. The study reports over 113,000 hashtag posts on TikTok and Instagram, and tens of millions of views when looking at these terms in French and English on the Chinese social network.

Other popular methods include the ketogenic diet (89,564 posts), intuitive eating (81,230 posts), calorie deficit diet (45,684 posts), low glycemic index diet (21,690 posts) and the Dukan diet (20,873 posts).

It’s worth noting that the Mediterran­ean diet, whose health benefits are frequently highlighte­d by scientists, comes in at the bottom of this ranking, with only 5,249 cumulative posts on the two social networks.

From its effects on passive smoking to its benefits for the brain and heart, researcher­s are full of praise for this diet known the world over.

But it could be that for social network users, weight loss isn’t necessaril­y synonymous with health, and that they prefer to shed pounds, and quickly if possible, to the detriment of nutritiona­l recommenda­tions designed to act over the very long term.

 ?? PICTURE CREDIT: ETX DAILY UP ?? A ZAVA study names intermitte­nt fasting as the most popular weight loss method at the moment on social networks.
PICTURE CREDIT: ETX DAILY UP A ZAVA study names intermitte­nt fasting as the most popular weight loss method at the moment on social networks.

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