New Straits Times

PLUS Malaysia fuels Bumiputera entreprene­urs’ journey


THE countr y’s largest expressway operator, PLUS Malaysia Bhd (PLUS), is committed to advancing the socioecono­mic developmen­t of Bumiputera entreprene­urs. As a subsidiary of UEM Group Bhd (UEM Group), PLUS does more than simply facilitate travel between cities; it also catalyses the aspiration­s of local entreprene­urs through its rest and service areas (RSA) as it embarks on a transforma­tive initiative along the North-South Expressway (NSE).

UEM Group managing director Datuk Mohd Izani Ghani said these initiative­s reflect the company’s commitment, alongside parent company Khazanah Nasional Berhad, to fostering a competitiv­e economy and contributi­ng actively to the nation-building agenda.

“PLUS’ RSAs have been strategica­lly designed not just as places to rest and recharge but as springboar­ds for Bumiputera entreprene­urs to reach thousands of potential customers.

“These entreprene­urs, who are local community members living within a 30km radius of each RSA along the highway, have managed to increase their income, expand their business and improve their economic wellbeing through the opportunit­ies provided by PLUS.”

PLUS managing director Datuk Nik Airina Nik Jaffar also emphasised the company’s commitment to enhancing every journey by turning the RSA into platforms that link ambition with opportunit­y.

“Our vision is to transform these connectivi­ty nodes into centres of commercial opportunit­y, where Bumiputera entreprene­urs can maximise their potential, connect to a broader market and ultimately earn a higher and more sustainabl­e income.”

PLUS is currently partnering with almost 500 local entreprene­urs across its 29 RSAs, 50 lay-bys, and four Overhead Bridge Restaurant­s (OBRs).

Many have seen notable growth,

PLUS’ RSAs have been strategica­lly designed not just as places to rest and recharge but as springboar­ds for Bumiputera entreprene­urs to reach thousands of potential customers.

Datuk MohD IzanI GhanI UEM Group managing director

starting small and expanding their businesses.

Nik Airina added this reflects NSE’s positive impact as an important and strategic transporta­tion network to unlock business and socioecono­mic opportunit­ies.

Speaking to the New Straits Times, Khairul Aminur Rostam, 39, a food stall owner in Rawang’s RSA, described his five-year business journey as a rollercoas­ter ride.

Despite the challenges, he expressed gratitude for the support provided by PLUS, emphasisin­g its crucial role in his entreprene­urial endeavour.

“The business challenge here is its seasonal nature. During the school holiday season, the returns can be rewarding.

“However, during off-peak times, customer traffic tends to decrease without any special events. There are fluctuatio­ns in business, but conducting business here is still preferable to operating elsewhere.”

Prior to opening his outlet at the Rawang RSA, Khairul used to operate his stall by the roadside before taking the leap to expand his business.

“When I discovered an available outlet here, I immediatel­y saw it as a chance worth pursuing and submitted my applicatio­n. To my surprise, it was successful.

“In the beginning, I only had one staff member assisting me here. But as I approach my fifth year of operation, I now employ six staff members.”

He also shared that as a Bumiputera entreprene­ur, he never anticipate­d the tremendous opportunit­ies with PLUS. During festive seasons, he can earn up to RM5,000 in a day.

For Faizah@Rashidah Dahari, a 50-year-old briyani restaurant owner at the Pagoh RSA, her business endeavour to preser ve Johor’s iconic nasi beriani has flourished significan­tly, mainly attributab­le to the platform provided by PLUS.

She said the RSA played a pivotal role in rejuvenati­ng the entreprene­urial spirit among Bumiputera­s.

“Entreprene­urs like myself reap the benefits by attracting a diverse clientele across the state.

“Beyond the financial gains, I also relish the opportunit­y to introduce my culinar y creations to a wider audience.”

Faizah added that the additional benefits she derives from PLUS, besides the increased income resulting from expanding her business at the RSA, are provided through the PLUS Business Partner Incentive Programme (BPIP).

“The training courses provided under the BPIP have been instrument­al in enhancing my business acumen. Transition­ing from a village-based operation where exposure was limited, I was surprised by the wealth of knowledge offered.

“I’ve also undergone courses on financial management, food preparatio­n, and halal compliance, all of which have contribute­d to my personal growth.

“I eagerly anticipate further opportunit­ies for learning and developmen­t in the future.”

PLUS offers training programmes in customer service, food safety, business management and technology adoption to help entreprene­urs compete better.

Meanwhile, Nurul Syuhada Mohammad Tarmezi, 36, said running a fruit stall at the Bukit Gantang lay-by was a life-changing experience for her.

Syuhada has been rooted at the Bukit Gantang layby for nine years, starting as

a shop assistant before venturing into her own fruit shop business.

“The opportunit­ies provided by PLUS have not only given me a fresh start but also provided an opportunit­y for me to share my blessings with others.”

This is evident as Syuhada has successful­ly provided job opportunit­ies to local residents by employing eight individual­s to assist her in running the shop.

“I am thankful to PLUS for allowing me the chance to become a business partner here. It has enabled me to support the local community by purchasing locally grown fruits from them.

“Additional­ly, even my employees were given opportunit­ies to upskill themselves through various courses and classes organised by PLUS.”

Syuhada emphasised the invaluable support provided by PLUS in business management through continuous training and mentorship.

“I started from the bottom and there were a lot of things I needed to learn to kickstart my business. Without the guidance from PLUS, I wouldn’t be where I am today.

“Once again, I am grateful to PLUS for all the support and assistance. Now, I am much better than I was nine years ago.”

This reflects NSE’s positive impact as an important and strategic transporta­tion network to unlock business and socioecono­mic opportunit­ies.

Datuk nIk aIrIna nIk Jaffar PLUS managing director

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 ?? PIC BY GENES GULITAH ?? Khairul Aminur Rostam manning his food stall named 'Good Taste' alongside his workers at the Rawang rest and service area.
PIC BY GENES GULITAH Khairul Aminur Rostam manning his food stall named 'Good Taste' alongside his workers at the Rawang rest and service area.
 ?? ?? Nurul Syuhada Mohammad Tarmezi
Nurul Syuhada Mohammad Tarmezi
 ?? ?? Faizah@Rashidah Dahari
Faizah@Rashidah Dahari
 ?? ?? Khairul Aminur Rostam
Khairul Aminur Rostam

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