New Straits Times

Jakim committed to strengthen­ing unity


PUTRAJAYA: The Malaysian Islamic Developmen­t Department (Jakim) is committed to expanding programmes that contribute to unity and harmony, said Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar.

He said he upholds His Majesty Sultan Ibrahim, King of Malaysia’s decree issued yesterday, which, among other things, calls on all segments of society to preserve harmony and not touch on sensitive issues involving royalty, race and religion (3R).

“The religious agencies that I oversee will continue efforts to promote Islam and at the same time respect other religions. Jakim and the Institute of Islamic Understand­ing Malaysia (Ikim) can collaborat­e with other races and religions.

“We want to show that Islam is a merciful religion. Islam encourages unity and harmony, and invites all towards peace and prosperity,” he said after officiatin­g at the Quran Convention here yesterday.

Sultan Ibrahim, when officiatin­g the opening of the First Meeting of the Third Session of the 15th Parliament yesterday, called on the government to formulate a policy to strengthen harmony and unity among the people.

Na’im also called on all segments of society, including members of parliament, not to touch on 3R issues in line with His Majesty’s decree.

Earlier, in his speech, he said the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs), with the strength of all its agencies, would always collaborat­e to formulate and implement Quran education programmes for the community.

“Mosques and surau, in particular, will continue to be used as centres for the community to learn and understand the teachings and interpreta­tion of the Quran.

“Thank God, I have observed and realised that several mosques and surau, especially in the Federal Territorie­s, have moved forward in organising Quran appreciati­on programmes.”

Na’im said creative and interactiv­e efforts must be made to approach youths so that they understand and appreciate the Quran.

He said collaborat­ions with the Science, Technology and Innovation Ministry and other agencies could be pursued to come up with interactiv­e programmes.

 ?? PIC BY MOHD FADLI HAMZAH ?? Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar writing calligraph­y after officiatin­g at the Quran Convention in Putrajaya yesterday.
PIC BY MOHD FADLI HAMZAH Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department (Religious Affairs) Datuk Dr Mohd Na’im Mokhtar writing calligraph­y after officiatin­g at the Quran Convention in Putrajaya yesterday.

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