New Straits Times

Airbus, MAG tie up on boosting feedstock supply


SINGAPORE: Airbus SE is confident that Malaysia will play a major role in supplying feedstock for the production of sustainabl­e aviation fuel (SAF) as demand continues to increase.

Airbus chief sustainabi­lity officer Julie Kitcher said the company was collaborat­ing with Malaysia Aviation Group (MAG) on several areas, including analysing the increase in production capacity of feedstock as well as supporting better air traffic management.

“We’re working closely with a number of our partners in the AsiaPacifi­c region and we’re working on the feedstock and production pathways.

“We’re looking into a number of different factors within those agreements (with MAG). We’re also confident that Malaysia will contribute to feedstock for SAF production,” she said at a media briefing on pioneering sustainabl­e aerospace at the Singapore Airshow 2024.

Airbus and MAG signed a memorandum of understand­ing (MoU) on Feb 19 to conduct comprehens­ive studies on the carbon emissions of the airline group for two years.

The agreement was signed by MAG group chief sustainabi­lity officer Philip See and Kitcher.

MAG said the collaborat­ion focused on five key areas, which were SAF, carbon dioxide removal, assessment of financial implicatio­ns associated with carbon dioxide reduction, forecast and scenario planning and joint advocacy and communicat­ions efforts.

Kitcher said there was an understand­ing across Asia Pacific countries of the importance of aviation and its necessity for “connection, trade, cultural understand­ing and prosperity”.

“Decarbonis­ing aviation is imperative. It’s a question of when, not if.”

Kitcher said the potential to turn used cooking oil into fuel was significan­t and would help the industry to scale up SAF production in the short term.

“In the Asia Pacific, there’s a pressing need for additional SAF production capacity. The reality is that most countries in the region do not yet produce these fuels despite the considerab­le potential,” she added.

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 ?? ?? Malaysia Aviation Group chief sustainabi­lity officer Philip
See (left) and Airbus SE chief sustainabi­lity officer Julie Kitcher at the signing of a memorandum of understand­ing at the Singapore Airshow recently.
Malaysia Aviation Group chief sustainabi­lity officer Philip See (left) and Airbus SE chief sustainabi­lity officer Julie Kitcher at the signing of a memorandum of understand­ing at the Singapore Airshow recently.

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