New Straits Times


Public complaint leads to arrest of 54-year-old man found to be a temporary resident


AMAN has worked as a teacher at a secondary school in Sabah for 29 years using a fake MyKad.

Ridal Abdul Kadir was sentenced to 10 months’ imprisonme­nt and fined RM6,000, in default six months’ jail.

The 54-year-old pleaded guilty before magistrate Nur Asyraf Zolhani to having a fake MyKad to work as a teacher at SMK Kemabong, Tenom.

Following a public complaint, Ridal was arrested on Jan 29, 2024, at 11.30am after an inspection at a parking lot of the school teachers quarters.

He was then taken to the National Registrati­on Department (NRD) at UTC Keningau branch on the same day and was re-arrested at 2.30pm for further action.

Checks with the NRD system revealed that Ridal is a Temporary Resident and not a Malaysian citizen as stated on his fake MyKad.

A thorough investigat­ion also confirmed that Ridal has been employed as a teacher at SMK Kemabong, Tenom, Sabah, since 1994, based on several appointmen­t letters, including his pensioner status grant letter and employer confirmati­on letter.

In mitigation, counsel Korventt Wheezar pleaded for leniency and an opportunit­y for the accused, who is a first-time offender, to turn over a new leaf.

He submitted, among others, that the only reason Ridal had for taking such a risk, was to realise his passion and dream of becoming a dedicated educator and teacher.

“He has educated many outstandin­g students and sportsmen in his years of teaching, and he did all of that with pride and dedication, simply because educating children is, and will always be, his utmost passion.

“Prior to the charge against him, Ridal was due for retirement but ultimately, he would not be receiving any benefits considerin­g the circumstan­ces and nature of the charge against him.

“It is, therefore, inevitable that after the passing of the sentence on the accused, he will lose all the benefits due and will receive punishment instead.”

He said Ridal, who is married with four children, is also remorseful and apologises to everyone who may have been affected by his actions.

NRD prosecutin­g officer Mohd Naser Mohd Nadzeri urged for a deterrent sentence taking into account public interest, social justice and the seriousnes­s of the case as it involves the country’s sovereignt­y.

In this case, the accused is a temporary resident with both Indonesian parents.

“Whatever the reason put forward to justify the possession of a fake identity card is irrelevant.

“The accused has also used this fake identity card to work as a teacher for approximat­ely 29 years and has enjoyed benefits as a civil servant.”

 ?? BERNAMA PIC ?? The Sessions Court in Keningau, Sabah, has sentenced Ridal Abdul Kadir (centre) to 10 months’ imprisonme­nt and RM6,000 fine, in default six months’ jail for having used a fake MyKad for 29 years.
BERNAMA PIC The Sessions Court in Keningau, Sabah, has sentenced Ridal Abdul Kadir (centre) to 10 months’ imprisonme­nt and RM6,000 fine, in default six months’ jail for having used a fake MyKad for 29 years.

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