New Straits Times

Schooled in unity

Keep politics out of education


DESPITE long-simmering racial tensions in Malaysia, a steady trend is attenuatin­g the polarisati­on: the growing enrolment of Malay pupils in Chinese primary schools. In a 2020 survey, Malays constitute­d almost 16 per cent of the vernacular school enrolment, and despite their so-called “outsider” status, it hasn’t discourage­d parents. In fact, more Malay parents are warming up to the idea that a Mandarin-based education is far more useful than the traditiona­l instructio­n at government primary schools. The National Union of Teaching Profession, acknowledg­es this shift, saying it is because more parents want their children to acquire and master Mandarin to meet future real world challenges, especially in a China-dominated world. Their preference for Chinese schools is also due to the belief that national schools impede their children’s academic advancemen­t, especially in Maths, Science and English.

Despite the growing population of Malay pupils, where in some schools they outnumber their Chinese classmates, their Malay parents are still lack political influence. Otherwise, national schools would have adopted Mandarin-based learning and syllabus in no time. But what is the reason for the preference for Chinese schools? It’s obvious that fundamenta­lly, these parents’ lack of confidence in government schools is because they are academical­ly inferior. The exodus originates mostly from the middle class, who emphasise learning for their kids. Pupils are drilled in Bahasa Melayu and Mandarin, plus the core subjects, for the next six years until they have a solid foundation for future success. This essential education continues into secondary school: when these parents enrol their children in costlier private schools but with focus on core subjects. These private schools also conduct relevant post-high school skills pertinent to real world challenges while maintainin­g high-value academic performanc­e.

In this sense, the education system is split into two systems — government and private. In the meantime, religio-nationalis­tic politician­s insist on streamlini­ng the split syllabuses, especially on increasing religious periods during and after school hours. While religious and moral classes for Muslim and non-Muslim pupils are provided in vernacular schools, the emphasis is still on the core subjects. It’s why certain political parties and their satellite pressure groups demand the closure of the 1,800-strong vernacular schools, including failed bids at the highest courts to declare the schools unconstitu­tional. However, this political push to do away with vernacular schools is at odds with the reality of life in Malaysia, which is democratis­ed and pluralisti­c. From higher learning to healthcare to business and even politics, reducing homogeneit­y while embracing multiracia­lism, multicultu­ralism and globalism is the game in town. This is the underlying rationale behind the higher Malay enrolment in vernacular schools.

Their preference for Chinese schools is also due to the belief that national schools impede their children’s academic advancemen­t, especially in Maths, Science and English.

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