New Straits Times

Straits Energy unit secures ISCC EU certificat­ion


KUALA LUMPUR: Straits Energy Resources Bhd is set to enter the marine biofuel trading and bunkering business in the first quarter after its wholly-owned unit, Tumpuan Megah Developmen­t Sdn Bhd, was awarded a certificat­ion from the Internatio­nal Sustainabi­lity and Carbon Certificat­ion (ISCC EU) scheme,

Managing director Datuk Sri Ron Ho Kam Choy said this expansion was expected to be a key contributo­r to the company’s future earnings growth.

Tumpuan Megah is the first Malaysian industry player to achieve the ISCC EU certificat­ion as a supplier and trader of biofuels.

With the certificat­ion, maritime industry players can demonstrat­e compliance with the European Union (EU) sustainabi­lity and greenhouse gas (GHG) emission-saving criteria.

It includes the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED II), which has set strict guidelines for which biofuels can be considered sustainabl­e.

Ho said the certificat­ion was recognised in key energy markets, including the EU, the United Kingdom, Japan, and Singapore.

“Compared to road transport and aviation, shipping is the least carbon-intensive way to transport goods. However, the shipping industry has begun transition­ing to alternativ­e fuels and energy sources to reduce its impact on the environmen­t, in line with the Internatio­nal Maritime Organisati­on’s (IMO) 2023 Greenhouse Gas Strategy.

“The IMO has set an industry target to reduce GHG emissions

According to an industry expert, the shipping industry will need an estimated 250 million tonnes of oil equivalent of biofuels annually if it were to decarbonis­e fully by 2050.

by at least 40 per cent by 2030, up from 2008 levels.

“For these reasons, the market for sustainabl­e marine biofuels is growing at an explosive rate,” he said.

Ho said according to a maritime industry adviser, global production of sustainabl­e biofuels was expected to grow from 11 million tonnes of oil equivalent (mtoe) per year to 23 mtoe by


However, if shipping were to decarbonis­e fully by 2050 primarily using biofuels, he estimated that 250 mtoe of biofuels would be required annually.

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