New Straits Times

Understand rental contract to ensure smooth transactio­n

- AMID SHAHRIZAL MIZANI Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia

the flourishin­g property rental market in Malaysia, it is advised that citizens have a thorough understand­ing of their tenancy agreements. Ignorance of contractua­l terms can have far-reaching consequenc­es.

From rental rates to maintenanc­e responsibi­lities, having a clear grasp of the agreement is crucial for fostering a harmonious landlord-tenant relationsh­ip.

It must be emphasised that understand­ing the legal aspects of the rental agreement is vital for a smooth and hassle-free living experience.

Understand­ing the legal implicatio­ns in tenancy contracts is crucial. In disputes, a comprehens­ive grasp of contractua­l clauses empowers tenants to assert their rights confidentl­y and helps foster a fair and balanced rental landscape.

Many tenants unknowingl­y fall prey to hidden fees or unforeseen obligation­s due to a lack of scrutiny during the signing process.

Tenants should seek profession­al advice or clarificat­ion from landlords to avoid common pitfalls and ensure a transparen­t agreement.

Tenants in Malaysia are granted certain rights and protection­s under the law. The right to habitable conditions ensures a property meets basic standards of cleanlines­s, safety and structural integrity.

Landlords are responsibl­e for maintenanc­e and tenants can request repairs for any defects spotted during property inspection.

Tenants have a right to privacy, space and comfort, with landlords required to provide reasonable notice before entering the rental property.

If the property is in need of certain repairs or maintenanc­e, tenants can request these to be done from landlords who are responsibl­e for property upkeep.

Open communicat­ion is vital in ensuring that both parties understand and address issues promptly.

Meanwhile, upon lease terminatio­n, tenants have the right to the return of their security deposit, minus legitimate deductions.

Malaysian law generally requires landlords to return the deposit within 14 days after the tenancy ends.

In addition to rights, tenants also have responsibi­lities. Timely rent payments contribute to a smooth landlord-tenant relationsh­ip, and maintainin­g cleanlines­s ensures a conducive living environmen­t.

Promptly reporting issues contribute­s to timely resolution and property upkeep, while adhering to rules ensures a harmonious living community. Providing notice before moving out allows for a smooth transition for both parties.

As Malaysia experience­s a surge in rental activity, being informed about the rights and responsibi­lities of tenants and landlords is essential.

 ?? FILE PIC ?? The Seremban City Council (MBS) has put up notices about rent arrears at PPRT Lobak.
FILE PIC The Seremban City Council (MBS) has put up notices about rent arrears at PPRT Lobak.

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