New Straits Times

Ex-Esscom intel chief’s murder trial commences


TAWAU: The trial proceeding­s for the murder case implicatin­g former Eastern Sabah Security Command (Esscom) intelligen­ce chief Datuk Mat Zaki Md Zain, 58, along with seven others began at the High Court here, yesterday.

The full trial was heard before Judge Datuk Duncan Sikodol and began about 9.45am.

Deputy public prosecutor (DPP) Khairul Azreem Mamat said the prosecutio­n’s narrative was that Mat Zaki conspired with the seven others accused in this case to murder e-hailing driver Nurman Bakaratu, 61, near Jalan Anjur Juara, Jalan Apas Batu 5, here, at around 10.30am on Jan 13 last year.

He added that the prosecutio­n would also present witnesses, including members of the public, police officers and experts to prove the guilt of each accused beyond reasonable doubt.

“The prosecutio­n will prove that the murder occurred on Jan 13, 2023, where the deceased (victim) was lured out of a hotel in Tawau and instructed to drive with several others in a car to an oil palm plantation, where the murder took place.

“The victim’s car was then followed by other vehicles, and when all the vehicles were moving in the oil palm plantation, one of the accused directed the victim to stop the car.

“One of them suddenly stabbed the left side of the victim’s neck with a sharp object,” Khairul Azreem said in his opening statement on the first day of the trial.

He added that one of the accused then dragged the victim out of the car and left the victim’s body on the ground to be found three days later.

“The results of the forensic examinatio­n confirmed that the cause of the victim’s death was severe injury to the neck using a sharp object.”

On Feb 8, policemen Rosdi Rastam, 44; Denis Anit, 44; Fabian Rungam, 43; Khairul Azman Bakar, 47; Mohd Azlan Sakaran, 39; and civilian Vivien Fabian, 34, were charged with Nurman’s murder at the same place and time.

On April 11, another policeman, John Kennedy Sanggah, 44, was also charged with Nurman’s murder at the same place and time.

Mat Zaki is charged with two counts of conspiring to murder — The first charge is conspiring to murder Nurman with six other accused, while the second is conspiring with John Kennedy.

Khairul Azreem was assisted by DPPs Rohaiza Abd Rahman, Lina Hanini Ismail, Mohammad Fakhrurraz­i Ahmad and Low Win Hui.

As for the accused, Rosdi was represente­d by lawyers Ansari Abdullah and Erveena Ansari; Denis by Hairul Bairon and Luke Ressa Balang; and Fabian by Sharata Masyaroh John Ridwan Lincon, Zahbia Ophent, and Mohd Zairi Zainal Abidin.

Meanwhile, Mat Zaki, along with four other accused — Vivien, John, Khairul, and Azlan — were represente­d by lawyers Ram Singh and Kamarudin Mohamad Chinki.

 ?? ?? Datuk Mat Zaki Md Zain
Datuk Mat Zaki Md Zain

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