New Straits Times

PM praises MACC, police for acting impartiall­y


PUTRAJAYA: Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has praised the police and Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission for acting firmly in their investigat­ions, regardless of rank and status of the people being investigat­ed.

He said this showed the country’s commitment to good governance and efforts to combat corruption and drug issues by ensuring that no one, whether they were dignitarie­s, “sharks” or small fish would escape investigat­ion and action by the authoritie­s.

“Alhamdulil­lah, we have shown the kind of determinat­ion seldom seen in other countries, what more developing nations.

“The authoritie­s have acted against personalit­ies considered immune from any form of investigat­ion and action,” he said when launching the Central Database Hub system.

He reiterated a stern warning that anyone could face strict action if involved in misconduct and corruption.

In 2024, said Anwar, the government would continue to focus on the Madani reform agenda to enhance the wellbeing, welfare and prosperity of the people.

“Despite the country facing challenges from global geopolitic­al turmoil and economic uncertaint­ies, we are confident that the nation will achieve success in 2024 surpassing that of 2023.

“For Malaysia to emerge as one of the leading nations in the region, it requires a fresh approach. Outdated methods need to be abandoned.”

He said the Madani government, with support from public services, would act as a unified team, avoiding a silo mentality to enhance people’s welfare and drive the economy.

Anwar said the government would expedite the implementa­tion of a fair and reasonable wage scheme for civil servants.

“We didn’t accelerate it last year because we inherited a financial position with national debt at RM1.5 trillion and a 5.6 per cent deficit.

“Thanks to the collaborat­ion of all leaders, the cabinet, chief secretary (to the government), agencies and the private sector, we managed to reduce it to five per cent.”

He said some guidelines would be prepared in the first quarter of 2024 to facilitate the new salary scheme announceme­nt.

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