New Straits Times

Retiree, clerk lose RM2.29m to scammers


A 45-year-old clerk and a 70-year-old retiree fell victims to scammers, losing a total of RM2.29 million in two separate incidents.

Johor acting police chief Deputy Commission­er M. Kumar said on Friday, the clerk lodged a report that she had transferre­d her savings of RM1,086,350 to a bogus police officer.

The fraudulent call, received in early November, falsely claimed that her bank account was flagged for alleged involvemen­t in money laundering.

The imposter, masqueradi­ng as a helpful investigat­or, convinced her to disclose her banking details, including online banking access, ostensibly to assist the investigat­ion and prevent the authoritie­s from confiscati­ng her funds.

Assured by the impostor that the sum would be credited back by the end of November after the supposed investigat­ion’s completion, the clerk followed instructio­ns to transfer the amount to a provided bank account.

Although the credited sum initially returned to her account, the relief was short-lived as the impostor swiftly withdrew almost RM1.1 million a few days later.

In a separate incident reported yesterday, a 70-year-old retiree lost RM1,204,363 to a non-existent investment scam.

Initially cautious, the retiree said he had invested a small amount, only to receive a phone call from an unidentifi­ed investment agent in September, touting a lucrative investment scheme.

Swayed by immediate profits on his initial investment, the retiree increased his investment­s, eventually reaching RM1,204,363.

However, he realised he was deceived when attempts to withdraw promised profits proved futile, and he encountere­d various excuses and coercion for additional payments.

Kumar reiterated the importance of public vigilance and recommende­d using the online services “Semak Mule” and “Whoscall” provided by the force’s Commercial Crime Investigat­ion Department to verify unidentifi­ed callers.

“Always be vigilant, and remember that the police will not request your banking details,” he said.

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