Macau Daily Times




Mar. 21-Apr. 19

An answer that you’ve been seeking is within reach. Keep digging to find an important clue. You’re especially brilliant. Write down what you’re discoverin­g.


May. 21-Jun. 21

A personal project is taking off. Strengthen support structures. Assemble the perfect crew. Success comes through diversity. Spread your wings, launch and fly.


Jul. 23-Aug. 22

Your friends are your true wealth. Invest in your relationsh­ips with time together. Teamwork gets results with more fun. Group efforts get farther.


Sep.23-oct. 22

Explore new possibilit­ies. Travels reveal mysterious discoverie­s. Mix business with pleasure if you can. Make long-distance connection­s. Expand your territory. Broaden your views.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Listen to what your partner wants. Find ways to be thoughtful, generous and kind with someone you love. Romance is a distinct possibilit­y.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Relax and enjoy the company of friends, family and a special someone. You’re especially lucky in love. Express your heart, dreams and creativity.


Apr. 20-May. 20

Build and grow. Gather resources. Process a fat harvest. Store provisions for the winter. Profitable opportunit­ies abound. Choose the ones with future potential.


Jun. 22-Jul. 22

Meditate and rest in a peaceful spot. Contemplat­e your next moves before making any. Make preparatio­ns and lay foundation­s. Plan and strategize. Recharge your energy.


Aug. 23-Sep. 22

A profession­al opportunit­y is worth pursuing. Develop possibilit­ies into action items. Envision the results you want. You’re building for the future. Mold and shape.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Collaborat­e. Align priorities with your partner. Handle financial obligation­s and rest easier. Anticipate and budget for possible changes. Together you’re a formidable team.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

All the practice you’ve been doing is paying off. Prioritize your health, fitness and work. You’re building long-term strength. Physical action gets satisfying results.


Feb.19-mar. 20

Consider long-term domestic plans. What do you envision? Imagine your dream home. Note your ideas. A collage or visual display inspires. Build and prepare.

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