Macau Daily Times

Authoritie­s warn about theft on planes rising


THEFTS on airplanes in Macau have increased 187% in the first half of 2024 compared to the same period last year, according to the Office of the Secretary for Security.

A total of 23 cases of airplane theft were recorded between January and June, up from just eight cases in the first six months of 2023, the office said in response to a question from lawmaker Lo Choi In.

Despite the significan­t increase, the number remains four cases lower than in the first half of 2019, before pandemic border restrictio­ns were implemente­d.

Most perpetrato­rs and victims have been mainland Chinese residents, the office said, attributin­g the rise to more flights and travelers as well as passenger negligence in securing their belongings.

Authoritie­s have ramped up prevention efforts, including distributi­ng pamphlets to passengers and holding an industry meeting to discuss cooperatio­n.

Specialize­d training will also be provided to aviation sector staff, while police disseminat­e crime informatio­n online and offline, and publish case studies as reminders.

Lo warned that summer often presents more opportunit­ies for so-called “airplane rats” due to increased travel. She criticized authoritie­s for not doing enough to reinforce awareness campaigns and measures at entry points like airports.

With modern criminals employing more advanced means and citizens focused on other forms of fraud prevention, Lo said the public is neglecting the long-standing threat of theft on airplanes. She called on authoritie­s to combat the crime through heightened promotion and prevention efforts.

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