Macau Daily Times

EPM parents raise concern over teacher departures and new hires


THE Macau Portuguese School’s (EPM) recent announceme­nt of hiring five new teachers has raised questions about recent departures from the institutio­n, according to Diogo Baptista, president of the General Assembly of the Associatio­n of Parents of the Portuguese School in Macau.

The hiring notice was published on the school’s website on Tuesday, seeking candidates to teach math, physics, chemistry, computer science and French to high school students. The applicatio­n period runs from Aug. 20 to 26.

“What worries us is whether this indicates that classes might not resume as normal,” said Baptista in an interview with TDM. He noted that

the hiring comes just days before the new school year is set to begin on Sep. 5.

The associatio­n is uncertain if the new hires are related to the departure of 10 teachers, a process initiated by school director Acácio de Brito at the end of May. That process concluded with the revocation of special licenses for four teachers and a psychologi­st by the Portuguese Ministry of Education.

It also remains unclear if the 10 replacemen­ts Brito mentioned have arrived in Macau. The Portuguese government’s dispatch orders the immediate hiring of any new teachers needed to ensure classes start on time. Brito was unavailabl­e for comment.

Baptista praised the public announceme­nt and selection process, which involves representa­tives from the school board and parents’ associatio­n. “This is the first time that we, as the Associatio­n of Parents, have been informed of an announceme­nt posted on the website to recruit in this manner. It is the first time that we have been involved in the recruitmen­t process in this way,” he said.

Experience outside Portugal is also seen as a plus, Batista noted, given Macau’s specific cultural context and student body, which is not primarily made up of native Portuguese speakers.

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