Macau Daily Times

Leader of NATO member Poland visits China, expecting to talk to Xi about Ukraine


POLISH President Andrzej Duda met with Chinese leader Xi Jinping yesterday on a visit to Beijing.

At the meeting at the Great Hall of the People accompanie­d with a full honor guard and 21-gun salute, Duda told Xi that relations between the former Russian-allied nation, which inspired democratic movements with its push for democracy, and China, remain strong.

The Russia-ukraine conflict was on the agenda for talks, but no remarks on the issue were delivered before journalist­s were ushered from the vast carpeted meeting room.

“Over the past 75 years since the establishm­ent of diplomatic relations, bilateral relations have maintained steady developmen­t, constantly injecting new vitality into the traditiona­l friendship between the two countries.” Xi said after the two leaders took their seats while surrounded by aides and security guards .

Duda said Poland was hoping for closer commercial relations with China — particular­ly under Xi’s signature “Belt and Road Initiative” to build transport connection­s and other infrastruc­ture between China, Europe, Southeast Asia and other regions — largely as a response to overcapaci­ty within China’s huge manufactur­ing industries, the need to find foreign markets and expand Beijing’s political and economic influence to counter the U.s.-led liberal domestic order.

Poland borders Ukraine and has maintained a hard line against further expansion of Russian aggression, but the grinding conflict has raised questions over how to maintain the country’s economic health and democratic institutio­ns with right-wing political politician­s making major gains in this month’s European Parliament election.

Duda had said he would talk to Xi about Russian ally Belarus exerting migration pressure on the border with Poland, as a form of hybrid war that also includes cyberattac­ks.

Duda is also seeking a visa waiver for Poles traveling to China and is looking for possibilit­ies of increasing Poland’s exports to the country to balance their trade relations.

State Statistics Poland said that 13.9% of the nation’s imports last year were from China, while Polish exports to China were just a fraction of that amount.

Several trade agreements were signed following the meeting between the two leaders, including on Polish agricultur­al exports and educationa­l exchanges.

Duda has further meetings in Beijing and will fly to the financial hub of Shanghai to attend a Poland-china economic forum.

 ?? ?? Chinese President Xi Jinping, right and Poland’s President Andrzej Duda attend the welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, yesterday
Chinese President Xi Jinping, right and Poland’s President Andrzej Duda attend the welcome ceremony at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, yesterday

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