Macau Daily Times

Another round of gov’t insurance now available for SMES


IN a move to bolster small and medium-sized enterprise­s (SMES), the government has opened another round of applicatio­ns for catastroph­ic insurance and subsidies.

Since its launch in 2019, the program has already issued 89 policies worth a total insured amount of MOP13.1 million.

The “Small and Medium Enterprise­s Catastroph­e Property Insurance” and the accompanyi­ng “Small and Medium Enterprise­s Catastroph­e Property Insurance Subsidy Scheme” are now accepting applicatio­ns from June 21 to Dec. 31 of this year. SMES can purchase catastroph­e insurance policies through five participat­ing local insurance companies, with coverage options ranging from MOP100,000 to MOP500,000.

To ease the financial burden on merchants, the government, through the Industrial and Commercial Developmen­t Fund, will provide eligible SMES with a 50% premium subsidy, up to a maximum of $30,000. This means businesses can pay as little as 15% of the standard premium, depending on their insurance situation.

The catastroph­e insurance program was launched in 2019 to address the problem of commercial property losses not covered by insurance during severe weather events, such as typhoons and storm surges, particular­ly for SMES in low-lying areas in Macau prone to flooding.

This initiative aims to support local small and medium-sized businesses, which are the backbone of the local economy. By providing affordable catastroph­ic insurance and subsidies, the government hopes to give these enterprise­s the financial protection they need to weather any unexpected disasters.

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