Macau Daily Times




Mar. 21-Apr. 19

Financial breakdowns could arise. Keep receipts and statements. Sort facts from fiction. Avoid misunderst­andings or arguments over money. Keep a low profile. Collaborat­e.


May. 21-Jun. 21

Proceed with caution or risk accidents. Don’t fund a fantasy. Stick to stable ground. Wait for better visibility before leaping. Nurture your health.


Jul. 23-Aug. 22

Relax into domesticit­y. Avoid gossip or noise. Find creative ways to beautify your home. Give away extra stuff for more space. Enjoy private productivi­ty.


Sep.23-oct. 22

A communicat­ions breakdown could thwart a profitable intention. Avoid conflict with authority figures. Listen generously. Accept responsibi­lity where you can.


Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Organize plans privately. If something goes against your grain, turn it down. Deception gets revealed. Soothe doubts with facts. Your work reflects you well.


Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Unexpected tasks can interfere with existing responsibi­lities. Patiently wait out a chaotic rush. Discover a fallacy or dispelled illusion. Connect with reliable sources.


Apr. 20-May. 20

Let go of a preconcept­ion, especially one that impacts your partner. An illusion evaporates in broad daylight. Maintain patience. Keep your tone respectful.


Jun. 22-Jul. 22

Relax and slow down. Avoid breakdowns or misunderst­andings. Enjoy the comfort of familiar routines and activities with beloved people. Indulge your creativity and passion.


Aug. 23-Sep. 22

A creative project unfolds. Action gets farther than talk. Don’t reveal it until it’s ready. Keep secrets and surprises. Research, edit and polish first.


Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Take extra time for yourself. Delays and misunderst­andings abound. Wait for revelation­s. Consider your own dreams. Imagine a perfect personal situation. Plot your moves.


Dec. 22-Jan. 19

If something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Your team can see your blind spots. Work together. Learn from trusted allies.


Feb.19-mar. 20

The first stage in realizing a dream is noticing everywhere it’s missing. Visualize perfection and outline requiremen­ts. Every epic journey unfolds step by step.

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