Macau Daily Times



Aries Mar. 21-Apr. 19

You can find what’s needed. Network and connect. Creativity and cleverness with communicat­ions comes naturally, with the Sun in Gemini for a month.

Gemini May. 21-Jun. 21

Practice your moves. You’re especially powerful and confident, with the Sun in your sign. Advance passion projects. Express yourself with grace and style.

Leo Jul. 23-Aug. 22

Home recharges you. Plan parties, meetings and fun this next month. You’re especially popular and social over the next month. Pull with a great team.

Libra Sep.23-oct. 22

Light out for uncharted territory this month. Expand your educationa­l exploratio­n, with the Sun in Gemini. Investigat­e and research a fascinatin­g story. Travel beckons. Sagittariu­s

Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Make plans together. Take your romance to the next level, with the Sun in Gemini for a month. Fall in love all over again.

Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Your work is gaining attention. Have fun with creative projects. Innovation and imaginatio­n flower under the Gemini Sun. Romance is in the air.

Taurus Apr. 20-May. 20

Pull together. Begin a profitable four-week phase as the Sun enters Gemini. Shine your attention to grow lucrative accounts. Stash what you can.

Cancer Jun. 22-Jul. 22

Let your heart be your guide. Savor peaceful privacy under the Gemini Sun. Enjoy meditative rituals like gardening, knitting or yoga. Organize plans this month.

Virgo Aug. 23-Sep. 22

Discuss profession­al dreams and possibilit­ies. The next month, under the Gemini Sun, interestin­g career opportunit­ies unfold. Choose with your heart. Your influence is rising.

Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Lead with heart. Shared ventures grow under the Gemini Sun. Collaborat­e and build for the future. Reap and conserve a healthy harvest together.

Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Learn from experience­d friends. Strengthen healthy routines over the next month, with Gemini Sun. Practice your moves. Nurture yourself with rest and good food.

Pisces Feb.19-mar. 20

Explore possibilit­ies. The next month favors domestic renovation and beautifica­tion. Turn practical, creative ideas into reality. Have fun at home and with family.

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