Macau Daily Times



Aries Mar. 21-Apr. 19

Coordinate with your partner to adapt around unexpected changes. Clear confusion before proceeding. Listen to all considerat­ions. Talk your way out of a sticky situation.

Gemini May. 21-Jun. 21

Love blossoms in slow motion. Insight dawns gradually. A romantic barrier is becoming unimportan­t. Fun doesn’t need to be expensive. Enjoy interestin­g company.

Leo Jul. 23-Aug. 22

Get into a creative learning phase. You may underestim­ate the amount of work involved. Don’t overbook. An answer is within reach. Keep digging.

Libra Sep.23-oct. 22

You’re especially confident and powerful. Figure out what you want. Prepare to launch a personal effort. Dream now for action later. Get inventive.

Sagittariu­s Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Slow for sharp corners. Chaos and confusion temporaril­y swirl with a team project. Wait for better conditions to advance. Keep bargains and deadlines.

Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18

You could reach a crossroad with an investigat­ion. Don’t fall for a con. Choose carefully. Stay in communicat­ion with itinerary shifts. Enjoy the scenery.

Taurus Apr. 20-May. 20

Staying busy keeps you out of trouble. Play by the rules. Don’t overextend resources or energy. Make time to chill and recharge batteries.

Cancer Jun. 22-Jul. 22

Manage domestic chores for family support. Don’t do everything by yourself. Enlist help from housemates. Cook something delicious. Flowers and candles brighten the space.

Virgo Aug. 23-Sep. 22

Focus on generating income. Don’t waste time knocking on locked doors. Find other options. Strengthen foundation­al supports. Make marketing plans. Generate valuable exchanges.

Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Slow down and let yourself dream. Don’t take on anything new right away. Notice any emotional barriers or limitation­s. Keep a low profile.

Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Profession­al obstacles slow the action. A change requires adaptation. There may be more work required than you thought. Find a workaround. Edit and revise.

Pisces Feb.19-mar. 20

Research financial decisions and share what you discover. Avoid wild temptation­s and empty promises. Find a silver lining to an apparently dark cloud.

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