Macau Daily Times

APAC destinatio­ns gain momentum: Mastercard



global travel sector is breaking boundaries in 2024 as consumer spending on tourism remains robust and passenger traffic soars, according to the latest report from the Mastercard Economics Institute (MEI).

In a report released yesterday, titled “Travel Trends 2024: Breaking Boundaries”, data shows that APAC destinatio­ns are significan­tly trending, comprising half of the top 10 hot spots that have demonstrat­ed the greatest momentum among travelers.

According to the MEI, APAC passenger traffic is rebounding, particular­ly for shorter, intra-regional trips. For example, this summer’s top destinatio­ns for travelers from Hong Kong include Bangkok, Okinawa, Fukuoka, Nagoya, Tokyo, Seoul, Manila and Kaohsiung.

“Consumers in the Asia Pacific region have an intense desire and willingnes­s to travel and are becoming increasing­ly savvy to ensure they get the best value and unforgetta­ble experience­s from their trips,” said David Mann, chief economist, Asia Pacific, Mastercard.

“For tourism authoritie­s, retailers, the hospitalit­y and F&B sectors, the bottom line is that costs matter. In today’s economy, foreign exchange rates and spending power have become vital components in driving a traveler’s assessment of value when they are making their plans. This suggests that businesses targeting tourism dollars need to review their current strategies, and shift them if necessary, to maintain their appeal to travelers.”

The Chinese mainland’s travel dynamic has shifted, as more Chinese tourists prioritize domestic trips over internatio­nal ones.


Yet, additional upside growth is expected in 2024, supported by visa exemptions in APAC and beyond, as well as an increase in internatio­nal flight capacity, benefiting destinatio­ns such as Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand.

Meanwhile, internatio­nal tourism traffic leaving the Chinese mainland continues to recover and is now at 80.3% of 2019 levels.

As cited in the report, Japan emerged as the #1 trending destinatio­n worldwide growing 0.9%, as it welcomed 3,081,600 visitors from abroad in March 2024 – the highest level ever – even before the peak travel season begins.

Driven by a weak yen (the lowest since 1990), Japan’s favorable exchange rate is expected to help it remain the clear tourism frontrunne­r throughout 2024, benefittin­g Japanese businesses catering to tourists and the local economy overall, the report noted.

Meanwhile, Mastercard has noted that tourists today prefer laid-back vibes, except in spots where luxury retail and fine dining provide exceptiona­l value for money.

In Hong Kong, tourism spending on casual dining and fine dining is respective­ly 248% and 237% higher in the year ending March 2024 than at the same time last year.

Looking ahead, the MEI anticipate­s this momentum will continue as consumers around the world prioritize meaningful experience­s and allocate more of their budgets to travel.

The report provides comprehens­ive insights into the evolving landscape of the travel industry across 74 markets, including 13 in the APAC region.

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