Macau Daily Times



Aries Mar. 21-Apr. 19

A creative project could make a mess. Beautiful results may require some deconstruc­tion. Undo an error. Fix a mistake. Adapt around a surprise.

Gemini May. 21-Jun. 21

Write a bad first draft. Make a mess. Mold and edit into something interestin­g. Adapt around a challenge or surprise. Express your creative idea.

Leo Jul. 23-Aug. 22

You are who you say you are. Upgrade your personal brand. Polish your profiles. Dress for new photos. Update portfolios with your latest work.

Libra Sep.23-oct. 22

Keep your patience. Untangle a knot. Show respect even when others forget. A challenge could be divisive. Remind people of shared commitment­s, goals and ideals.

Sagittariu­s Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Dig into an investigat­ion. Watch for hidden dangers along the road. Delays and obstacles abound. Adapt around surprises. Hunt for solutions to a challengin­g puzzle.

Aquarius Jan. 20-Feb. 18

Changes require adaptation. Avoid butting heads with your partner. Keep snarky comments to a minimum. It’s never too late to apologize. Share support and results.

Taurus Apr. 20-May. 20

Take care of domestic messes or they grow larger. Make repairs before something breaks. Hunt for simple solutions with a family puzzle. Collaborat­e and coordinate.

Cancer Jun. 22-Jul. 22

Monitor cash flow to adjust with unexpected expenses. Communicat­ion and action are your superpower­s. Connect and share. Make powerful requests. Provide excellent services.

Virgo Aug. 23-Sep. 22

You can see what didn’t work. Revise plans. Clean messes, organize and put things away. Savor private rituals to process recent changes. Slow to recharge.

Scorpio Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Adapt with an unschedule­d change at work. Align words and actions to clean a mess. A challenge requires attention. You’ve got this. Take charge.

Capricorn Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Practice extra patience with your partner, especially concerning a financial challenge. Support each other around a change. Surprises can get expensive. Share the load.

Pisces Feb.19-mar. 20

Watch where you’re going. Slow to avoid accidents. Nurture your physical health and wellness. Don’t ignore a warning sign. Eat well and rest extra.

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