Macau Daily Times

Hungary and China working together to raise their ‘homecoming’ relations to new heights


The “welcome home” greeting Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban extended to visiting Chinese President Xi Jinping upon his arrival at Budapest Airport on Wednesday night highlights the friendly relations between the two nations.

In his signed article published on Wednesday in the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Nemzet, President Xi wrote: “Our bilateral relationsh­ip is at its best in history, and has embarked on a golden voyage.”

That China and Hungary are good friends and good partners with deep mutual trust is not incidental. Hungary was one of the first countries to recognize and establish diplomatic relations with China in 1949. Together, the two countries have set a fine example of building a new type of internatio­nal relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice and win-win cooperatio­n. The bilateral relationsh­ip has since been developing steadily with tangible results, and was elevated to a comprehens­ive strategic partnershi­p in 2017.

This year marks the 75th anniversar­y of the founding of diplomatic ties between the two countries. It is expected that Xi’s visit, the second in 15 years, will not only witness the deepening of the traditiona­l friendship toward a bilateral community with a shared future, with a series of economic and trade cooperatio­n projects and cultural exchange programs to be unveiled under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative and other mechanisms.

Hungary is a top investment destinatio­n for Chinese investment in the European Union, as well as its important trading partner in Central and Eastern Europe, with their bilateral cooperatio­n being strong, fruitful and dynamic.

China is pursuing high-quality developmen­t and promoting high-standard opening-up. Hungary on its part is also making every effort to advance its developmen­t. To further tap into their complement­arity, the two countries need to forge greater synergy between their developmen­t strategies and strive to make new achievemen­ts in practical cooperatio­n so as to accelerate the constructi­on of the Budapest-belgrade railway link and other significan­t cooperatio­n projects. The two countries have great potential and space to strengthen their cooperatio­n in clean energy, artificial intelligen­ce, the digital economy, green developmen­t and other areas.

China highly appreciate­s Hungary upholding its strategic autonomy on the world stage as well as within the EU. Sound China-hungary ties are conducive to keeping the relationsh­ip between China and Central and Eastern Europe as well as the overall China-europe ties advancing in the right direction.

China and Hungary have similar views and positions on internatio­nal and regional situations. By remaining committed to solidarity and collaborat­ion, Beijing and Budapest can jointly champion true multilater­alism and promote peace and developmen­t. The two countries should advocate for an equal and orderly multipolar world and inclusive economic globalizat­ion that benefits all.

It is to be hoped that no matter how the internatio­nal landscape evolves, China and Hungary will always view and approach the bilateral relationsh­ip from a broad perspectiv­e and with a long-term view.

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