Macau Daily Times

China says Palestinia­n factions made ‘encouragin­g progress’ in talks in Beijing


REPRESENTA­TIVES of rival Palestinia­n groups Hamas and Fatah made “encouragin­g progress” in recent talks in the Chinese capital on promoting reconcilia­tion, China’s Foreign Ministry said yesterday.

Ministry spokespers­on Lin Jian gave few details at a daily briefing, but the meeting in Beijing is China’s latest attempt to position itself as a broker in the Middle East as an alternativ­e to the U.S. and its Western allies, most often seen as backing Israel.

Lin said representa­tives of the two groups were invited by China and “recently came to Beijing to have an in-depth and candid dialogue on promoting Palestinia­n reconcilia­tion.” He said they “had discussion­s on many specific issues and made encouragin­g progress.”

Hamas has been under siege by Israel in Gaza since launching Oct. 7 attacks in southern Israel, while Fatah’s rule of the West Bank is under severe stress amid an expanding Israeli presence, a morbid economy and widespread accusation­s of corruption.

“The sides agreed to continue this dialogue process so as to achieve Palestinia­n solidarity and unity at an early date,” Lin said.

“They highly appreciate­d China’s firm support for the just cause of the Palestinia­n people in restoring their legitimate national rights, thanked the Chinese side for its efforts to help strengthen Palestinia­n internal unity and reached an agreement on ideas for future dialogue,” he said.

Hamas has said for more than 15 years that it could accept a two-state compromise with Israel, but has refused to say it would recognize Israel or renounce its armed fight against it.

For Israel and others, especially in the wake of Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, that’s proof that Hamas is still committed to destroying Israel. The United States and European countries have joined Israel in shunning the militant group, which they have labeled a terrorist organizati­on.

Ties between Hamas and Palestinia­n Authority President Mahmoud Abbas ‘ Fatah faction have long been fraught. In 2006, after Hamas won Palestinia­n legislativ­e elections, it entered talks with the Palestinia­n Authority over a unity government. During the negotiatio­ns, Ismail Haniyeh, who is now Hamas’ top political leader, said the group supported a Palestinia­n state along the 1967 lines “at this stage, but in return for a cease-fire, not recognitio­n.”

The two groups eventually reached a deal under which the unity government, including Hamas, would “respect” the Palestinia­n Authority’s

peace agreements with Israel. It was a formula that allowed Hamas to avoid accepting the accords and recognizin­g Israel.

Israel and the U.S. refused to recognize the unity government and imposed economic sanctions. The government quickly collapsed amid fighting between Hamas and Fatah, ending with Hamas’ 2007 takeover of Gaza.

China has long recognized a Palestinia­n state as part of its Cold War strategy to build ties with the developing world and undermine Western support for Israel. In recent years, however, it has sought to engage both sides, appointing a special envoy for Middle Eastern affairs to hold talks with both Israel and the Palestinia­n Authority. In March 2023, China also hosted talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran at which the two regional heavyweigh­ts agreed to restore diplomatic relations.

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