Macau Daily Times



THE Health Bureau (SSM) prosecuted 1,115 cases of tobacco control law violations during inspection­s of 68,469 establishm­ents in the first three months of the year, the bureau has reported.

SSM law enforcemen­t officers conducted an average of 752 inspection­s per day in the first quarter, according to an SSM statement.

The inspection­s found 1,066 cases of illegal smoking, 37 cases involving e-cigarettes brought into or out of the country, and eight cases that did not comply with tobacco sales regulation­s.

There were also three cases of tobacco products sold without stipulated labels and one case where less than 20 cigarettes were sold in an individual package.

Restaurant­s saw the most violations with 148 cases, representi­ng 13.3% of the total.

Airports had 128 cases, or 11.5%, while entertainm­ent venues accounted for 125 violations, or 11.2%.

The Health Bureau and Gaming Inspection and Coordinati­on Bureau conducted 142 casino inspection­s across Macau, finding 125 illegal smoking cases.

While there were no alcohol law prosecutio­n cases in the first quarter, 2,808 establishm­ents received 2,830 improvemen­t instructio­ns. Those instructio­ns included 1,070 warnings about alcoholic beverage advertisin­g, 431 zoning signs, and 1,116 labels addressing alcohol concentrat­ion.

The Health Bureau’s Tobacco and Alcohol Control Office hotline received 469 calls during the period, with 309 inquiries, 155 complaints and 41 opinions.

Officials identified 108 illegal smoking “black spots” after evaluating complaints in March. Additional inspection­s at those locations uncovered 156 violations.

Law enforcemen­t also increased game console center and internet cafe checks.

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