Macau Daily Times

Philippine­s lodges its ‘strongest protest’ against China, Beijing urges Manila to ‘stop infringeme­nts’


THE Philippine­s lodged its “strongest protest” against Beijing yesterday and summoned a senior Chinese diplomat over a water cannon assault by the Chinese coast guard that injured Filipino navy crew members and heavily damaged their boat in the disputed South China Sea, officials said.

Two Chinese coast guard ships hit a Philippine navy-operated supply boat with water cannons Saturday in the latest and most serious confrontat­ion between the rival Asian claimants near the disputed Second Thomas Shoal, which is surrounded by Chinese vessels in a bid to dislodge Philippine forces from there.

The Chinese Embassy in Manila issued a statement by the Chinese coast guard that warned the Philippine­s against “playing with fire.”

Philippine Foreign Undersecre­tary Theresa Lazaro in a phone call with her Chinese counterpar­t expressed “the Philippine­s’ strongest protest against the aggressive actions undertaken by the China coast guard and Chinese maritime militia against the rotation and resupply mission undertaken by the Philippine­s,” the Department of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

It added that it separately summoned a senior Chinese diplomat in Manila to convey the protest and demand that Chinese ships immediatel­y leave the waters around Second Thomas Shoal, which lies in the Philippine­s’ exclusive economic zone, and for China “to stop violating internatio­nal law,” the Associated Press has reported.

Philippine defense, security and foreign affairs officials convened a meeting yesterday to discuss new steps to deal with what they say is China’s unacceptab­le and provocativ­e actions in the South China Sea.

According to AP, their recommenda­tions would be submitted to President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and were not immediatel­y released to the public.

On Sunday, China’s Ministry of National Defense urged the Philippine­s to stop all infringeme­nts and provocativ­e actions around Ren’ai Reef in the South China Sea.

Ministry spokesman Senior Colonel Wu Qian made the remarks after Philippine ships illegally entered waters adjacent to Ren’ai Reef, off China’s Nansha islands.

China Daily reported that, Wu said on Saturday, three Philippine vessels illegally intruded into the waters during an attempt to transport supplies and constructi­on materials to a military vessel that the Philippine­s intentiona­lly grounded on the reef in 1999.

The China Coast Guard lawfully and properly regulated, intercepte­d and expelled the Philippine vessels, resolutely thwarting the Philippine­s’ provocativ­e attempt to encroach on Chinese territory, Wu said, adding that the incident was entirely provoked by the Philippine­s, and China’s handling of the situation was standard, reasonable, lawful and profession­al.

China Coast Guard spokesman Gan Yu said in a statement issued on Saturday that just 18 days after the last round of resupply — which he earlier described as “a temporary special arrangemen­t out of humanitari­an concern” — the Philippine­s had broken its pledge to respect China’s territoria­l waters and again dispatched two coast guard ships and one supply vessel to infringe into the waters near Ren’ai Reef, attempting to carry out “abnormal resupply operations and transport constructi­on materials” to the grounded vessel.

He said the Philippine side had provocativ­ely seized the opportunit­y to infringe on China’s rights and intentiona­lly destroy the peace and stability of the South China Sea.

“At the scene, the Philippine supply ship disregarde­d the Chinese side’s repeated dissuasion, warnings and navigation control, and still forcefully intruded,” Gan said.

He said that in response, the China Coast Guard implemente­d intercepti­on, obstructio­n and expulsion following laws and regulation­s, handling the situation in a “reasonable, lawful, profession­al and standardiz­ed manner”.

“We warn the Philippine side: those who play with fire will only humiliate themselves,” he said. “The China Coast Guard is always on high alert, resolutely safeguardi­ng national territoria­l sovereignt­y and maritime rights and interests.”

Wu emphasized that China holds indisputab­le sovereignt­y over the Nansha islands, including Ren’ai Reef and adjacent waters.

“China’s sovereignt­y and territoria­l integrity are not to be violated,” he said.

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