Kuwait Times

Global sting targets users of ‘Ghost’ app


THE HAGUE: A 32-year-old Australian “computer geek” has been arrested on suspicion of building an encrypted messaging app used by hundreds of criminals worldwide to arrange drug deals and order killings, police said Wednesday. Australian Federal Police said the Ghost app was marketed to underworld figures as “unhackable” and was used by hundreds of suspected criminals from Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

But, unbeknowns­t to users, global policing authoritie­s hacked the network and were watching as the criminals discussed illicit drug traffickin­g, money laundering, homicides and serious violence. Authoritie­s made their move on Tuesday and Wednesday, arresting criminals from Italy, Ireland, Sweden, Canada and Australia — including Jay Je Yoon Jung, the alleged “mastermind” of the app.

Europol executive director Catherine De Bolle said law enforcemen­t from nine countries had been involved in the internatio­nal sting. “Today we have made it clear that no matter how hidden criminal networks think they are, they can’t evade our collective effort,” she said. “This was a truly global game of cat and mouse, and today the game is up”, Jean-Philippe Lecouffe, Europol’s deputy executive director, told reporters in agency’s headquarte­rs in The Hague.

Authoritie­s dismantled an Australian drug lab while weapons, drugs and more than one million euros ($1.1 million) in cash have been seized globally, the EU policing agency added. Ghost, a kind of WhatsApp for criminals, was created nine years ago and could only be accessed via modified smartphone­s that sold for about Aus$2,350 (US$1,590). The hefty price tag included a six-month subscripti­on to the Ghost app and tech support, Australian police said Wednesday, and users were required to purchase an ongoing subscripti­on.

French police traced the creator’s location to Australia and joined forces with local police to target the platform. The app’s creator regularly pushed out software updates but in 2022, Australian police were able to hijack those updates to access encrypted content. For two years, authoritie­s watched as Ghost became more popular and criminals exchanged messages — including 50 death threats that Australian police said they were able to thwart.

Several thousand people worldwide use Ghost and around 1,000 messages are exchanged on it every day, according to Europol. There were 376 phones with the Ghost app installed in Australia alone. In one case, police intercepte­d an image of a gun to someone’s head and were able to save that person within the hour, Australian Federal Police assistant commission­er Kirsty Schofield said. Ireland, which was second in terms of Ghost users, was able to dismantle “a primary drugs traffickin­g route into our country and in doing so have seized drugs with an approximat­e street value of 16 million euros”, Justin Kelly, assistant police commission­er, was quoted as telling The Irish Times. — AFP

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