Kuwait Times

NATO Defense College commends partnershi­p with Kuwait


KUWAIT: Commandant of the North Atlantic Treaty Organizati­on (NATO) Defense College in Rome Lieutenant General Max Nielsen has commended the successful and strong 20-year partnershi­p with Kuwait. In a statement for KUNA on the sidelines of the discussion seminar organized by NATO’s regional center and the Istanbul Cooperatio­n Initiative (ICI) titled ‘Adapting Defense Education to Challengin­g Security Environmen­ts’.

Lieutenant General Nielsen expressed NATO’s aspiration to continue strengthen­ing the pivotal partnershi­p that enhances security and stability in the Arabian Gulf region and ways to develop it in various areas of bilateral cooperatio­n within the framework of mutual respect and trust gained between the two sides. He pointed out that Kuwait has establishe­d with NATO a positive concept of effective internatio­nal cooperatio­n in facing regional and internatio­nal challenges and threats over a period of 20 years since Kuwait joined as the first member of the ‘Istanbul Cooperatio­n Initiative’ in June 2004.

He mentioned that his visit to Kuwait was to conduct a discussion seminar in the center over the questions related to defense education and his support for missions and main NATO policies. He added that part of his tasks is to facilitate political discussion between member states and their partners in the Arabian Gulf region through discussion seminars over security challenges on the internatio­nal and regional levels and to develop mutual understand­ing between all sides. Notably, Kuwait has created the NATO-Istanbul Cooperatio­n Initiative (ICI) Regional Centre in 2017 with the aim to strengthen the partnershi­p between NATO and Gulf partners. — KUNA

 ?? ?? Participan­ts are pictured during the panel discussion organized by the NATO Regional Centre and the Istanbul Cooperatio­n Initiative. – KUNA photos
Participan­ts are pictured during the panel discussion organized by the NATO Regional Centre and the Istanbul Cooperatio­n Initiative. – KUNA photos
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