Kuwait Times

Special Olympics motor activity training concludes

- By Abdellatif Sharaa

KUWAIT: The regional training course to prepare trainers of the Special Olympics Motor Activity Training Program (MATP) that was held in Kuwait over three days concluded Monday night, and was held under the supervisio­n of the Internatio­nal Special Olympics, and MENA Special Olympics, with 50 trainers participat­ing from GCC, Arab countries and Kuwait, that in addition to several leader players.

Special Olympics Motor Activities Program Director Dr Niamh Morton and technical advisor for Motor Activities Eleni Rossidis, Emad Mohyeeddee­n from the MENA Special Olympics and Dr Shareef Al-Fouly, and Nuha Jaballah lectured during the course.

The course included classes and practical parts. The practical parts was carried out at Al-Shabab Club swimming pool in Al-Ahmadi with students from the Al-Resala School, and the Disabled Care Society, which included entertaini­ng activities in which trainers and students participat­ed.

Director of Kuwait Special Olympics Rihab Boursly was very pleased with the course success in adding to the trainers abilities, as was clear in the practical applicatio­ns. She urged participan­ts to benefit from the valued subjects that were discussed, adding that Kuwait hosting of the course was within the keenness of Kuwait Special Olympics to keep up with the most recent theories and practical applicatio­ns related to the motor activities of the disabled.

She said the practical applicatio­ns showed positive results that can be built on for more serious work to improve the quality of life of the disabled, specially the severe ones.

Head of Kuwait Special Olympics Hanna Al-Zawawi thanked lecturers and trainers from Arab and GCC countries, who worked hard to bring out the course in a distinguis­hed fashion, adding that his time course had the medical checkup on the severely disabled persons and thanked the health ministry, Royal initiative, disabled care society and Al-Sabah sports club.

She also thanked Kuwait youth volunteers, as well as the technical and administra­tive department­s of Al-Tomooh Club and state authoritie­s that contribute­d to the success of the course.

Shareef Al-Fouly lauded the organizati­on, adding that the course was rich in subjects specially those related to how to implement and apply the items of the motor activities related to skills and how to carry out evaluation­s of the players.

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