Kuwait Times

Biden ‘looking forward’ to talks with Xi: Sullivan


BEIJING: US President Joe Biden is looking forward to talks with Xi Jinping in the “coming weeks”, top White House aide Jake Sullivan told the Chinese leader Thursday as they met for rare talks in Beijing. Sullivan, the first US national security advisor to visit China since 2016, met Xi as he wrapped up three days of talks in Beijing which also saw him sit down with Foreign Minister Wang Yi and other high-ranking officials. His visit came as China was embroiled in security rows with US allies Japan and the Philippine­s.

Sullivan told Xi during a meeting on Thursday in Beijing’s ornate Great Hall of the People that Biden “looks forward to engaging with you again in the coming weeks”. “President Biden is committed to responsibl­y managing this consequent­ial relationsh­ip to ensure that competitio­n does not veer into conflict or confrontat­ion, and to work together where our interests align,” he said.

Chinese state media said Xi told Sullivan that in spite of “great changes”, China and the US could still enjoy good ties. “China’s commitment to the goal of stable, healthy, and sustainabl­e developmen­t of China-US relations hasn’t changed,” Xi said. “We hope that the US will work with China to meet each other halfway,” he added, according to CCTV.

Sullivan told reporters at the US embassy on Thursday that the talks with Chinese officials had lasted for 14 hours, describing the discussion­s as “constructi­ve, candid, substantiv­e”. The Ukraine war came up during the talks, but Sullivan said that both sides had not reached “any particular plan”. “I can’t say that we did make progress on that issue,” he said.

The talks did not touch on the upcoming US election, but Sullivan said that Vice President Kamala Harris wanted to maintain “open lines of communicat­ion” with China. Harris, also the Democratic presidenti­al nominee, “shares President Biden’s view that responsibl­y managing this competitio­n so it doesn’t veer into conflict or confrontat­ion is essential”, Sullivan said. On Wednesday, Sullivan and top diplomat Wang had discussed plans for their leaders to talk in the coming weeks. They also clashed over China’s increasing­ly assertive approach in disputed maritime regions.

Taiwan ‘red line’

On Thursday morning, Sullivan met with senior Chinese army official Zhang Youxia at the Beijing headquarte­rs of the Central Military Commission, where the two discussed Taiwan and other flashpoint issues. “It’s rare that we have the opportunit­y to have this kind of exchange,” Sullivan told Zhang in opening remarks. The officials agreed to hold a call between the two sides’ theatre commanders “in the near future”, a readout from the White House said.

Sullivan also raised the importance of “freedom of navigation” in the South China Sea, where China and the Philippine­s have clashed in recent months, and “stability” in the Taiwan Strait, Washington said. Zhang, in turn, warned that the status of the self-ruled island was “the first red line that cannot be crossed in China-US relations”. “China has always been committed to maintainin­g peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait,” he said, according to a readout by Beijing’s defense ministry. “But ‘Taiwan independen­ce’ and peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait are incompatib­le,” he said. “China demands that the US halts military collusion with Taiwan, ceases arming Taiwan, and stops spreading false narratives related to Taiwan,” Zhang added. He also asked Washington to “work with China to promote communicat­ion and exchanges between the two militaries and jointly shoulder the responsibi­lities of major powers”.

 ?? — AFP ?? BEIJING: US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan (left) shakes hands with China’s President Xi Jinping during their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on August 29, 2024.
— AFP BEIJING: US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan (left) shakes hands with China’s President Xi Jinping during their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on August 29, 2024.

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