Kuwait Times

Kuwait underscore­s youths’ role in peace, developmen­t

Global Forum on Youth, Peace and Security kicks off


AMMAN: Kuwait’s participat­ion in the Global Forum on Youth, Peace, and Security stems from its advocacy of joint Arab action and necessity of upgrading the youth potentials, an official of the Gulf state said. Al-Sheikh stressed on Thursday the importance of activating the energies of Arab youth and building their capacities within the framework of joint Arab action, coordinati­on, and cooperatio­n.

This came in a statement made by Al-Sheikh to Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) following his participat­ion in the Internatio­nal Forum on Youth, Peace, and Security, hosted in Amman under the patronage and attendance of Jordanian Crown Prince Al-Hussein bin Abdullah and organized by the Jordanian Ministry of Youth in partnershi­p with the Arab League.

Al-Sheikh said that Kuwait’s participat­ion in the youth forum reflects the state’s belief in the importance of the role of youth in society, as they are a “great wealth” that should be invested in social affairs and prepared effectivel­y in developing society and achieving peace and security. This is what the Arab Strategy for Youth, Peace, and Security is based on.

Regarding the most important objectives of this strategy, he said that it works to enhance joint Arab action, coordinati­on, and cooperatio­n at the regional level to support the efforts of Arab countries in this regard and focuses on effective youth leadership, cooperatio­n and partnershi­p in decision-making, the rule of law, and effective evaluation and follow-up. In this regard, he pointed out the importance of building youth skills related to knowledge, the creative economy, and the green economy, which aim to improve human well-being while taking care of environmen­tal risks.

Regarding the extraordin­ary session of the Council of Arab Youth and Sports Ministers, which was held during the forum, he said that it discussed ways to enhance youth community participat­ion, build their skills, and diversify them in line with the requiremen­ts of technologi­cal progress witnessed by the world so that they can compete in the labor market and achieve the state’s goals in economic diversific­ation.

The Internatio­nal Forum on Youth, Peace, and Security kicked off on Wednesday with the participat­ion of youth and sports ministers from several Arab countries, including the acting Director General of the Kuwait Public Authority for Youth Nasser Al-Sheikh, Arab youth delegation­s, and representa­tives of civil society organizati­ons and internatio­nal organizati­ons.

The forum witnessed the launch of the Arab Strategy for Youth, Peace, and Security (20232028), which aims to implement the Youth, Peace, and Security Agenda and Security Council resolution­s in enhancing the role of Arab youth in decision-making, increasing their political and economic participat­ion, and achieving economic security. The forum includes dialogue sessions on mechanisms for implementi­ng the Youth, Peace, and Security agenda and the priorities of member states in developing the strategy’s executive plan.

 ?? — KUNA ?? Acting Director of the Kuwait Public Authority for Youth Nasser Al-Sheikh participat­es in the extraordin­ary session of the Council of Arab Youth and Sports Ministers in the Jordanian capital, Amman.
— KUNA Acting Director of the Kuwait Public Authority for Youth Nasser Al-Sheikh participat­es in the extraordin­ary session of the Council of Arab Youth and Sports Ministers in the Jordanian capital, Amman.

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