Kuwait Times

KRCS supports reconstruc­tion of Dialysis Center in northern Gaza

Five out of seven dialysis centers destroyed


GAZA: Noura Al-Kaabi Dialysis Center in northern Gaza commenced Wednesday a reconstruc­tion project with the support of Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS). The Center completely stopped operation after it was destroyed by Zionist occupation, Center Director Dr Marwan Al-Sultan stated, adding that re-operation is imperative to save the lives of thousands of kidney failure patients in the Gaza Strip.

More than 180 patients in the strip suffer from kidney failure and are in need of dialysis three times a week, not to mention more than 1,000 patients with kidney failure in the entirety of the strip, he explained. According to Palestinia­n health authoritie­s, patients with kidney failure in the Gaza Strip are suffering from dire circumstan­ces due to the destructio­n of five out of seven dialysis centers.

Noura Al-Kaabi Kidney Dialysis Center management announced Sunday that the Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) is supporting the project to rehabilita­te, maintain, and equip the Center. The center, which has been rehabilita­ted, is located on an area of about 700 square meters and consists of three floors. It operates with a capacity of about 42 dialysis machines, including about 36 chairs and a dialysis machine.

Dr Al-Sultan stressed the need to re-operate the center, which stopped working completely after being subjected to aggression and storming by the occupation forces, indicating the importance of its role in saving the lives of thousands of kidney patients in the Gaza Strip. He expressed his sincere thanks and appreciati­on to Kuwait, HH the Amir, the government, and its people for supporting Gazans and alleviatin­g their suffering, praising the role of the Kuwait Red Crescent in providing humanitari­an aid.

Since the beginning of the aggression on the Gaza Strip last October, Kuwait has taken the initiative to send thousands of tons of relief, humanitari­an, and medical aid to the Strip, while the Kuwaiti Relief Air Bridge is still ongoing. The Kuwait Red Crescent Society has also taken the initiative to implement qualitativ­e relief projects in the Strip, including sending dozens of ambulances and establishi­ng a field hospital to treat the wounded. — KUNA

 ?? ?? Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) supports the reconstruc­tion and restoratio­n of the center in the northern Gaza Strip. – KUNA photos
Kuwait Red Crescent Society (KRCS) supports the reconstruc­tion and restoratio­n of the center in the northern Gaza Strip. – KUNA photos
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