Kuwait Times

Gulf Bank employees join forces in blood donation campaign


KUWAIT: In its ongoing commitment to promoting sustainabi­lity, Gulf Bank, in partnershi­p with Kuwait Blood Bank, organized a blood donation campaign for its employees. The campaign aimed to increase the blood donation pool and support humanitari­an efforts to save lives in critical situations. The initiative received a remarkable response from Gulf Bank employees, who eagerly answered the call of humanitari­an duty. This strong participat­ion highlighte­d the significan­t role of both the bank and its employees in supporting the community.

The Human Resources Department at Gulf Bank expressed gratitude to all the bank’s employees who participat­ed in the campaign, commending their dedication to the humanitari­an cause and their efforts in saving lives. Gulf Bank’s vision is to be the leading Kuwaiti Bank of the Future. The Bank is constantly engaging and empowering its employees as part of an inclusive and diversifie­d workplace in recognitio­n of every employee’s role in delivering customer excellence and serving the community at large. With its extensive network of branches and innovative digital services, Gulf Bank is able to give its customers the choice of how and where to conduct their banking transactio­ns, all while ensuring a simple and seamless banking experience. Gulf Bank is committed to maintainin­g robust developmen­ts in sustainabi­lity at environmen­tal, social and governance levels through diverse sustainabi­lity initiative­s, strategica­lly selected to benefit the Bank both internally and externally. Gulf Bank supports Kuwait Vision 2035 “New Kuwait” and works with various parties to achieve it.

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