Kuwait Times

Durov’s Telegram: ‘Weapon of war’ under scrutiny


PARIS, France: The arrest of maverick entreprene­ur Pavel Durov has drawn global attention to the importance of his messaging app Telegram for Russian troops and propagandi­sts as Moscow’s war against Ukraine grinds into its third year. Since the Kremlin invaded Ukraine in 2022, Telegram, which has over 900 million active users, has emerged as a crucial platform used by pro-war bloggers to justify Moscow’s invasion and sow disinforma­tion in Ukraine and the West.

It is also used as a tool by Ukraine - President Volodymyr Zelensky posts his daily nightly address on Telegram - although for Kyiv the app appears to lack the same military significan­ce. Observers say that in the absence of a modern battlefiel­d management system, Russian troops have also grown to rely on Telegram in their dayto-day operations, using the encrypted app for everything from the transfer of intelligen­ce to course-correcting artillery attacks and guiding Iskander missile systems.

The arrest of the Russian-born Telegram chief in France has sent shockwaves among Russian authoritie­s and war propagandi­sts who fear the popular app will be compromise­d if Durov hands the encryption keys over to Western intelligen­ce. “They’re terrified,” Ivan Filippov, who studies Moscow propaganda, said, referring to influentia­l prowar bloggers with tens of thousands of followers. If Western intelligen­ce gets a backdoor into Telegram “it would be an absolute disaster” for Russia, Filippov told AFP, summing up their thinking.

“It’s about management on the ground,” added Filippov, who runs a widely-followed Telegram channel. A self-proclaimed libertaria­n, Durov has championed confidenti­ality on the Internet. Moscow tried to block Telegram in 2018, but abandoned those efforts two years later. Pro-war blogger Andrei Medvedev said Telegram had emerged as the “main messenger” of Russia’s invasion against Ukraine. ”This is an alternativ­e to classified military communicat­ions,” Medvedev said.

Alexei Rogozin, head of the Centre for the Developmen­t of Transporta­tion Technologi­es, said many joked that Durov’s arrest was tantamount to “the arrest of the chief of communicat­ions for the Russian armed forces - this is how troop battlefiel­d management depends on Telegram today.” “Intelligen­ce transfer, artillery course-correction, video streaming from copters and many other things are indeed often carried out with the help of Telegram,” said Rogozin, the son of the controvers­ial former Russian space agency chief, Dmitry Rogozin.

Bulgarian journalist Christo Grozev, who has investigat­ed Russian intelligen­ce services and was close to Navalny, said Russian domestic security service FSB and the GRU military intelligen­ce have used Telegram to recruit saboteurs and plot “terrorist acts”. “I believe that France has no right to treat him any differentl­y than anyone who runs a marketplac­e selling drugs and child porn, and refuses to remove such services,” Grozev told AFP, referring to Durov.

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