Kuwait Times

Arabs condemn Zionist minister’s prepostero­us remark on Al-Aqsa

GCC denounces extremist and provocativ­e statements


RIYADH: Secretary General of the GCC, Jasem Al-Budaiwi, stressed that the outlandish and prepostero­us statement made by a Zionist minister on Al-Aqsa mosque confirmed the desire to continue inflaming the situation and ensuring that stability was not achieved in the region. According to a statement issued by the GCC, the Secretary General also expressed his complete rejection, condemnati­on, and strong denunciati­on of such extremist and provocativ­e statements, which called for the establishm­ent of a synagogue in Al Aqsa Mosque, emphasizin­g the need to respect Islamic sanctities and to stop these attempts aimed at Judaizing Al-Aqsa Mosque.

He also called on the internatio­nal community to take immediate action and assume its responsibi­lities in halting these violations. He reiterated the firm positions of the GCC states regarding the Palestinia­n cause as the foremost concern for Arabs and Muslims and reiterated support for the establishm­ent of an independen­t Palestinia­n state within the borders of June 4, 1967, with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Meanwhile, the Arab Parliament issued a strong condemnati­on on Tuesday in response to comments made by extremist Zionist Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir. In a statement, the Arab Parliament described BenGvir’s remarks as provocativ­e and dangerous, asserting that they pose a direct threat to the historical and legal status quo in Jerusalem and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. The statement emphasized that such comments were part of ongoing efforts by the occupation to alter the Arab character of Jerusalem and undermine the rights of the Palestinia­n people.

The Parliament warned of the serious consequenc­es these actions could have on regional peace and stability, particular­ly in light of efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza. The Arab Parliament called on the internatio­nal community and relevant institutio­ns to intervene urgently to halt these actions and statements, which it warned could escalate the conflict and heighten tensions in the region. The Parliament also called for internatio­nal protection for the Palestinia­ns, their holy sites, and a just, lasting, and comprehens­ive solution to the Palestinia­n issue, including the establishm­ent of an independen­t Palestinia­n state with Jerusalem as its capital.

The GCC Secretary-General has reiterated that the ever-escalating tensions in the Middle East stem from two main reasons: Zionists’ unjust occupation in Palestine and their countless internatio­nal law violations in Gaza. During his address at the ‘European Forum Alpbach 2024’ in Austria, Al-Budaiwi called on the internatio­nal community to hold Zionists accountabl­e for their abhorrent war crimes and internatio­nal law violations, as he restated the GCC’s backing of establishi­ng an independen­t state of Palestine according to the 1967 borders.

Al-Budaiwi renewed the GCC’s invitation to hold an internatio­nal conference with all concerned parties attending to settle this conflict and achieve a permanent ceasefire. The Secretary General pointed to the soaring global challenges and highlighte­d the significan­t role of diplomacy and internatio­nal cooperatio­n to collective­ly find solutions that ensure global peace and stability. He added that recent initiative­s by the GCC aim to create favorable conditions for smooth negotiatio­ns, guided by internatio­nal law and the UN Charter.

Al-Budaiwi affirmed the GCC’s ongoing efforts to provide humanitari­an aid to affected countries, particular­ly their efforts in Yemen and Sudan, affirming their commitment to relieve the civilians from the suffering of conflicts. The European Forum Alpbach 2024, organized from August 24th to August 26th, 2024, by the Austrian Ministry for European and Internatio­nal Affairs, is part of the UN-Austria initiative on multilater­al partnershi­ps.

 ?? — AFP ?? JERUSALEM: A Super blue moon rises behind the Dome of the Rock mosque in Old Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
— AFP JERUSALEM: A Super blue moon rises behind the Dome of the Rock mosque in Old Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque compound.

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