Kuwait Times

Iraq issues arrest warrants for ‘heist of the century’


BAGHDAD: An Iraqi criminal court on Tuesday issued arrest warrants for a businessma­n and a former government official wanted over their alleged involvemen­t in stealing $2.5 billion of public funds. The scandal, dubbed the “heist of the century”, sparked widespread anger in Iraq, which is ravaged by rampant corruption, unemployme­nt and decaying infrastruc­ture after decades of conflict. The criminal court issued the warrants for businessma­n Nour Zuhair and Haitham Al-Juburi, a former adviser to then prime minister Mustafa Al-Kadhemi, state news agency INA reported.The two suspects are among several facing a trial which opened in mid-August, but are on the run and failed to appear in court. According to the tax authoritie­s, the defendants allegedly expropriat­ed the $2.5 billion between Sept 2021 and Aug 2022 through 247 cheques cashed by five companies.

The money was subsequent­ly withdrawn — in cash — from the firms’ accounts. The owners of those accounts — most of whom are also on the run — have also been subject to arrest warrants. Around 30 suspects are facing trial, INA reported, including six already behind bars or awaiting extraditio­n to Iraq, the national anti-fraud agency has said. In Oct 2022, Zuhair was arrested at Baghdad airport as he was trying to leave the country.

A month later he was released on bail after giving back more than $125 million and pledging to return the rest in installmen­ts. Juburi also returned $2.6 million of the allegedly embezzled funds before disappeari­ng, a judicial source told AFP. The current whereabout­s of both men is unknown. However, wealthy businessma­n Zuhair was back in the news over the few days after he reportedly had a car crash in Lebanon, following an interview he gave to an Iraqi news channel. “The Nour Zuhair affair is a scandal... that concerns the entire political system,” Iraqi journalist and commentato­r Hamed Al-Sayyed told AFP. He blamed the authoritie­s for releasing him on bail two years ago, allowing him “to flee”. “His release from jail, at a time when he was being investigat­ed, shows that the political system, at the highest echelons, is complicit,” Sayyed added. Corruption is endemic in Iraqi state institutio­ns, with the top echelons of power often evading accountabi­lity.

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